First Time

Bobalu, White Label
Okay, My first shared reveiw please keep the laughter to a min.
6.5x44 Dominican Natural/Sumatran, Fresh Rolled, Mild to Med. Paired with folgers black silk
A nicely rolled stick with light veining and tight seams, the pre-light draw reminds me of chewing tobacco not red man maybe beechnut, a nice aroma. A very easy light the first puff has a very strong retro, almost brought tears to my eyes Not what I expected out of a M-M! By the third puff things have mellowed and there is a decent amount of flavor reminds me of four day old hay, first ash at 3/4" a very even burn. The flavor has morphed into sort of a butter cream although it's not really sweet, I'm thinking this might be a little mild for a dog walking stick, 1/3 in and more flavors show up, some kind of spice nutmeg maybe, it's very subtle. The strength continues to build to a solid med. A minor touch up at the 2/3 mark and there are some floral hints that are nice, has continued to ash at 3/4". At the band the strength is still building and my gut tells me I'm done.
Burn time 1hr 40min
I put this at 6+ out of 10