odd number boxs

Ok just a quick question.
A box of say 25 in two layers will have to have like 12 in one layer and 13 in the other so is there an empty space in one of the layers?
Never bought a whole box of something before and was thinking about picking up a box of these
But if theyre coming in the post then will one layer rattle around slightly possibly damaging the wrappers??
YUP. Think about the way logs would stack. The bottom row will have an extra stick to craddle a stick from the top row.
Make sense?
Well thats what i thought but the box has a wooden spacer so it wouldnt stack like that. In my mind the spacer would effectively creating 2 separate compartments of equal size in the box, one full with 13 and the other almost full with 12 plus a bit more room??
ahh that sounds ok then. like a cigar sized bit of wood in the empty space in the bottom row?
Also, if you are looking to go with Cuaba, you may want to look into the Exclusivo vitola, it is generally higher rated and accepted as a better cigar...I say generally because I've not had the Divinos and cannot comment on its quality.
Ive just ordered a single at uk price (£7 or $11.54) to see if its any good as Ive found a place where I can get a box at less than half price but they only sell that size. Ive read reviews of this cigar and they seem fairly mixed with the main problem being a tight draw however everyone says how nice the flavour is.
I should have it tomorrow and Im sure it will be reduced to ash shortly so ill post a quick review and whether or not Im going to buy the box.
Postman was very late this morning Id almost given up, then an hour late I get a knock on the door, quickly I put my dressing gown on but couldnt find the belt for it, I gave up and ran down stairs like a kid at Christmas as I usually do when expecting such a package as I didnt want the postman to leave. Signing for it with the dog trying to get past, package in my hand and trying to keep my dressing gown around me was quite a challenge.
Anyway after closing the door I opened the package to find the cigar contained in a cardboard box with the logo and size on there. I opened it up and my initial thought was god thats small, the guy from the video(link in op) must have very small hands and a small hummm anyway it was about the size of my ring finger it measures 4 with a 43ring gauge, the rapper appeared to be fairly ruff and vainy. There wasnt a strong aroma coming from the cigar at all, just a very light cedery tobacco smell. Anyway popped back upstairs and stuck it in the humidor.
A couple of hours ago I took it out to smoke, must be the shortest period of time anything has ever spent in my humidor.
After cutting the cap with a double guillotine cutter I drew through the unlit cigar an can only say the draw was very good. I lit it and immediately got the earthy aroma that I associate with Cuban cigars. Lighting this figarado shape was very easy. After a couple of minutes I got to the widest part of the cigar and the draw opened up slightly and was perfect for me just the right amount of resistance, reviews on the internet seem to say that this cigar has a tendency to have a tight draw, as I have only smoked one I cannot say anything other than the one I had was perfect. The initial flavour was fairly dry, cedary with a hint of pepper.
A couple of mm past the widest part the flavour really opened up and was then consistent for about an inch and a half. The flavour at this point was nutty, cedary and slightly more peppery, the smoke was very smooth. The aroma of the cigar was similar but I picked up a distinct smell of unshelled Brazil nuts which brought back memories of Christmas time always having a bowl of unshelled nuts on a side table with a nutcracker to break into them.
About 2 inches into the cigar (halfway) the flavours started to die down a little and from then on wasnt as intense but very similar. I enjoyed this cigar right up into the last inch without it becoming hot or bitter; only stopping smoking as I was burning my fingers.
The construction of the cigar was perfect having a very nice draw, there werent masses of smoke but ample to make it a very enjoyable experience, the burn was also very good never more than 2mms difference around it. The cigar held an ash of about 2.5 inches (over half its length) and the ash looked very nice and consistent. I was surprised that for such a small cigar it lasted the best part of 50 minutes although I probably should have stopped just after 40.
Overall I would rate this cigar about 83, it was a medium bodied smoke to my pallet that burnt well and tasted nutty, woody and very slightly peppery.
I will have to put some thought into whether or not to buy a box, even with the box being half price I still think I have smoked better in the price bracket when ordering from America. I was hoping to find a short smoke of about 30 minutes that still was very enjoyable, this however wasnt a short smoke but was still very enjoyable. They do however look very nice so I might have to get a box for my glass toped humi just for that reason
this is the first time Ive written a review of a cigar so be gentle, and let me know if I coverd the main points:)
...Oh s**t Kas ROFLMAO ...I damn near fell in the floor when I read your post ...
Really do they do that

lol just kidding thanks for any feedback so far was a little pissed when writing last nights review as i am tonight actually (oh the joys of being a student:p)
i know it was a little long winded and pointless but what the hell it killed 30 minutes or so.