Smoked my first pipe...

in Pipes
I don't know if it was just me or the tobacco but it was practically flavorless! I had a house blend from my B&M called "satisfaction" it smelled amazing but held very little taste. I did have some issues keeping it lit and did come across some gurgling. I tried the child, woman, man pipe packing technique and it had a good draw but like I said had issues staying lit. I'm gonna try the frank method next time. For my first pipe it was not a game changer... But I still have lots to learn. Advice for keeping a pipe lit?
Life is like a blind fiver. You never know what you're gonna get.
The only method in pipe smoking is to find your own. I take a bunch of tobacco in my fingers and start stuffing. Then I pack it down when full. Puffin is like drawing on a straw drinkin a milk shake. You will not taste the aroma everyone around you compliments you on. At least I never do while smokin. Thats why its nice to be around pipe smokers because you can pick up on their aromas. I got treva to smoke a pipe. We sit together and enjoy each others smoke. If you wish send me a pm and I'll get you some samples to try and how to acquire them. They are the accumulation of a number of years sampling.
I left aromatics at that point. Don't get me wrong I still sample some here and there and I have found a couple that are good but I think you will find that a good medium English blend will be more to your tastes. That is just from my own experience everyone's journey is different. Happy smoking!
The Frank method helped me alot. Most blends using it (or Bob's methods that he shows in several videos) have me smoking to the bottom with 3 or fewer relights! The relights always seem to correspond with my trips inside for more coffee or tea too so that has a lot to do with it too.
As Tex pointed out, you're not going to get it right the first time.
As far as "what tobacco?" goes, get lots! Try lots! There have been times when I've smoked one tobacco almost exclusively for a period of time, but, what fun is that? I like change, and different things, and from what I've seen you've got the pipes to experiment with!
Above all, enjoy!
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Ditto! LOL Oh thats right He mentioned Tex. LOL
Tex you have a PM btw.
If you smoke as many pipe fulls as I do in a day you will find your drinks become more closer to room temp. (beer is drunk too cold in the US anyway.) LOL