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Hygrometer/humidification question

I have two humidors, one I've had for 4 years and the other for about 1.5 years. They both have analog humidity gages and the foam humidifier disc that you add water to. Should I ever change these? I don't know how to check if they are working properly, but my older gage is saying 80% humidity and I know it is definatly not that high. How do I calibrate if I need to?


  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    I would absolutely invest in digital hygrometers an humidity beads. The Xikar digital, an beads could be heartfelt or kitty litter.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    my older gage is saying 80% humidity and I know it is definatly not that high. How do I calibrate if I need to?
    search "salt test" on this forum. there will be everything you need to know.
  • CigaryCigary Posts: 630
    My experience has taught me that over time ( 1 year to 2 years ) the foam in the humidifiers tend to grow bacteria at some point. Not all of them do but the ones I had did and I had about 5 humidors where I used the floral foam. Once I discovered the bacteria/mold I immediately took out the foam and kept the disc and put beads/KL in them instead. In the last few years there has been no incidence of mold/bacteria. Most of the FOG's know that analog gauges tend to be 'iffy' at times. I still have a few of them but I tend to use digital mostly because they are more accurate. If you have one of those sealed analogs it isn't worth the effort to calibrate....if there is a hole in the back of it there is a screw that you can turn +/- to get your accurate % after getting results from a salt test. There are a lot of sources out there that have really good pricing on digital hygros...as inexpensive as $8.
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,051 ✭✭✭✭✭
    "Most of the FOG's know that analog gauges tend to be 'iffy' at times." FOGS? Fair Oaks Gift Service? Florida Obstetric & Gynecologic Society? Or is it just FOG? free online games? Focus on Gynecology? (Yeah, I keep coming back to that, don't I?)
  • onestrangeoneonestrangeone Posts: 2,441 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bob Luken:
    "Most of the FOG's know that analog gauges tend to be 'iffy' at times." FOGS? Fair Oaks Gift Service? Florida Obstetric & Gynecologic Society? Or is it just FOG? free online games? Focus on Gynecology? (Yeah, I keep coming back to that, don't I?)
    Finicky Old Guy? Fast Old Geizer?
  • CigaryCigary Posts: 630
    FOG's = Friggin Old Guys...we seem to draw some attention these days and even saw that they have their own website http://frigginoldguys.com/
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