What is it w/ Papas Fritas

Why is a short fill mini-corona a $6 cigar ($5.40 a piece in 4-pack)?
part 2 - why would people pay $6 for a short fill (crushed, cubed, chopped and sliced for your smoking pleasure) mini-corona?
part 2 - why would people pay $6 for a short fill (crushed, cubed, chopped and sliced for your smoking pleasure) mini-corona?
They're a decent smoke.
But the more I thought about it, I decided that I wouldn't buy more.
I don't give a rat's a$$ if it's leftover cuts from LPs, it's still short filler; trimmings; leftover; all tossed together to look nice.
Too many other, long-filler, normal RG, better cigars for the price.
And too many good cigarillos/mini-coronas that can be had for half the price (or less).
I've been thinking about it like this: would you pay the same price for a pack of hot dogs as you do for a nice pork loin?
Why not?
Hot dogs are just the "extra" leftover cuts from the same pig that delicious pork loin came from...
Cut the marketing BS already DE .... you have some good smokes but all the "hype" is starting to rub me the wrong way.
I like your smokes, but these reviewers that put you on a pedestal and have a hard on for your brands are starting to annoy me....
And BTW .... I bought (1) 4-pack when they came out just to try it.
It was a decent smoke, and I have considered buying more.
But I only have so much $$$ to go around and I'm not wasting spending it on these.
Now, would I buy more at $2/cigar? Maybe. $1/cigar? Probably
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
What disappointed me the most was I was actually looking forward to them. I love the LP flavor profiles, and thought it would be great to be able to have some of the taste at yard gar prices.... instead I would have to choose between this and some great smokes. Heck, even the undercrown costs almost the same per stick. Frustrating.
they are not "all hype" but there is a huge amount of hype. i have never been a big DE fan as far as flavor profile goes but i do enjoy them when i am in the mood for that profile. they are very strong and i have been moving more and more to the medium body cigars as of late.
i have spent several hours talking with JD about tobacco and listened to him for a few more hours talking about it on his tour in Nicaragua and if you had been involved with those conversations you would know that JD is no "hack"
the man knows what he is doing.
if you like the flavors and the style that come along with the DE brand then buy the cigars, but dont hate on the man just because you do not enjoy the brand. its not like its Gurkha. there is a soul in his cigars. you just may not be kindred spirits.
Vission notes that he enjoys a couple of short filler CCs. I would ask if the short filler smokes are comparable or more expensive in price to other smokes of approximately the same size and shape.
It is the price that is my issue - I've smoked planty of short/mixed fill smokes that I have enjoyed - but not at twice the price of comparable long filler smokes.
One last thing - I'm not picking on Vision here but he notes "cheapy" such as the AF 858. You're playing into their hands. The 858 is a $5 smoke all day long. Just because there are $30 smokes, a $5 cigar doesn't somehow become cheap.