
So I have one of my neighbors who I don't know very well but the few times we have ran into each other they seem nice. Anyway when I moved in I had to clean up a bunch of yard debris, and a lot of pine needles and tree limbs. Well I had that all done about a month ago and then last week or so I saw some fresh new limbs on the side of my garage. Now the tree that sits between our yards looked like it had some cutting done. Now I'm not sure if we both own the tree or what but from where I come from if you cut it you clean it up not toss in another persons yard. Even if it was my tree and they did cut some back I would expect to be asked or told about it first. Seems jacked to me. So since I have a way of inciting violence or at least anger I was wondering if any of you cooler heads could advise me on how to handle this?
Unless you are my neighbor and you like to water my patio while im trying to sit out and enjoy a cigar. Last time I just hung the patio umbrella over the fence so she got the picture. If it happens again there might be hell to pay.
just kidding.
most people arent out to get others. i would take a bet that he just thought that you were ok with it. im sure its all one big misunderstanding.
i like the beer idea that was posted above. i mean... beer makes everything better.
Line disputes are notorious for getting out of hand, I know because my property has no easements but since I had to deal with the county when recently they paved a dirtroad beside my property, they were going to take it upon themselves to widen on my side. The problem being that I had years ago erected a chain-link fence on my line so I had a huge dispute with the first surveyor that came out. And they sent a second. I was right, as he admitted it, but it almost caused me to come to blows with a man for his stupidity in not being able to read a map.
I would like to see those fallen with a perfect cut line though.
My Wife told me that she wants to buy a Solar "Generator" this morning. Something to run the three refrigerators / freezers, oh and maybe our laptops and network gear, and it'd be great to run the TV too.
Anyone have any advice? She pictures something portable and that we'd put up solar panels in the back yard during extended power outages.
My advice….good luck
our deep freezer will stay solid for 3 days.... Fridge draws 7.1 amps, if that helps.
Maybe get yourself a pickup truck:
Don't stare directly at the sun.
Knowing Kim as I think I do, my guess is she'll look at a few options for portable solar and realize what she wants isn't feasible.
Thanks for the advice so far. I do have a Kill-A-Watt so if I have to I can make some real-time power measurements, if it comes to that.
I've never looked at it very closely, but think it'd be cool to have a portable solar camping thing. The ones I've casually glanced at can charge smaller items, not what Mrs. Moritz would like.
I think running 3 fridges you are going to need at least 2000Wh, maybe more; assuming they each run about 20-30% of the time. Portable solar panels are about 100 watts so they can top up the battery but won't be able to keep up with the drain. That will cost you a couple of grand. A relatively quiet Honda 2000 watt gas powered generator is about $1000. A long heavy ga. extension cord let's you top up 1 fridge at a time plus minor electronics and led lights. I know it is not eco green but how often are you going to need it?
I do have a noisy generator that I need to check out and repair if necessary.