What is a good Cigar!

I've heard taste, draw, burn, aroma, feel and more. I would like one more to the list, BAND! A fan of the Vegas 5 series they have a nice heavy band that the edge lifts and pops right off. A smokers band.
Just bought a box of Perdomo, Lot 23 that not only has a bar code stuck to the fold over of each cigar but has a giant band that is pain to remove and tears up the wrap leaf for the effort. Guess it's not a problem if you only smoke 1/3 of the stick but I do. Will not buy anymore for this reason.
Just bought a box of Perdomo, Lot 23 that not only has a bar code stuck to the fold over of each cigar but has a giant band that is pain to remove and tears up the wrap leaf for the effort. Guess it's not a problem if you only smoke 1/3 of the stick but I do. Will not buy anymore for this reason.
IMO, this is 50/50 an "old wives tale".
Sometimes it does make a difference, but just as often if a band is tightly glued to start, it will be tightly glued to the end.
I collect and display bands so this is an issue that comes up all the time. I smoke around 20 a week so I get a lot of practice at this.
The worst (for smoking) is when the band comes apart, but when you lift it off it has adhered to the wrapper underneath.
If I can, I try to slip the closed band off over the head or foot of the cigar. That way, you can dissolve the glue in a water bath and open the band without pulling off any color layer.
Re: the Perdomo 23 - hey, I was just looking at a 'super-glued' Lot 23 band last night. IMO, you shouldn't give up a cigar because the band is hard to get off.
I think you will be disapointed. This has become increasingly common in the last 6 months to year.
There may not be a bar-code on the glass of Bourbon, but there's one on the bottle. Gotta get with the 20th century before it's too... nevermind.
There are so many great cigars to be had, so why would I reward with my money to those who could care less if I enjoy the entire experience. Why should I have to "try"!
If this is your thinking, then I think you should stop posting.
Just trying to be as dumb as you!
Local man whines about $3 cigar. After getting called out, proceeds to complain again. Forever disavows forums. News at 11.
Please, do us all a favour; if you don't like a cigar because of the band, make up a more substantial reason. Simple minds are preoccupied by such trivial matters.
What a troll, what are you 13?
Them thar's fightin' words.