? For Former Cigarette Smokers

I just started smoking cigars with any regularity this past summer. I was a cigarette smoker for quite a while, and finally won the hard battle to quit two years ago. Now, the possibility that I'm either just "replacing my nic fix", or that I will start the easy slide back to smoking has been weighing on me. I purposely cut down on the number of cigars I smoke - often forcing myself to wait three or four days between them, especially if I'm really wanting one, just to "prove" that I can, and that I'm not getting a dependence.
In my early quitting attempts, I tried to switch to cigars as a way to wean (really it was just a way to half-assedly quit where I could keep getting my fix, but feel somehow better about it). Former cigarette smokers might understand my relapse worry. I was wondering if anyone else has dealt with this.
In my early quitting attempts, I tried to switch to cigars as a way to wean (really it was just a way to half-assedly quit where I could keep getting my fix, but feel somehow better about it). Former cigarette smokers might understand my relapse worry. I was wondering if anyone else has dealt with this.
So, don't sweat it, enjoy, and if you get the urge for a cigarette, just think how nasty they are.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I smoke one cigar a day during the week aand sometimes two on the weekends
First off, congrats. Anything you can do to keep from smoking cigarettes is the way to go (in other words; whatever works for you). Don't worry about the "slide back to smoking cigarettes". The more you think about it, the more likely it is to happen. Enjoy your cigars (occasionally). Take each cigarette craving one by one and be strong. You can do it. Just keep it up. Good luck.
Amos, the changes are really eye opening after you quit...makes you wonder why you put up with it so long. The constant hacking and throat clearing is gone. I go through entire movies and restaurant meals without excusing myself to "get some air". And the mere idea of plane travel doesn't give me cold sweats. I really don't miss cigarettes at all.