Humidor and cigars dried, what should I do?
I recently moved from Germany to Africa due to military duties and it took a little more than 3 months for me to get my stuff from the time it was packed up to delivered. When I opened my 2 humidors one hygrometer was dead and the other read 45% RH and around 90 degrees. I packed them up with pretty strong humidity and full humidifiers in anticipation of it taking awhile I just didnt think it would take so long. The interiors of the humidors and the cigars are pretty dry so I'm trying to find out the best way to save both. If it helps the humidors are both the Southport Small humidors.
I'm not stateside, I'm stationed in Africa currently.
Yes you can store them in a ziploc with a boveda pack. In the future, I think sealing them in tupperware with boveda packs is your best bet for long term storage while you are away. Granted, they need to be burped, but at least you will have a tight seal and accurate rh for months.