So I know I have been away for awhile, I have been extremely hard at work creating a few new concepts for the industry. One is a new cigar brand. Hopefully it will be rolling out sometime in April of 2014. This is a very long and extensive project. I figured I would share some updates and hopefully get some feedback. The logo is created, the band is created, I currently own the websites and copyrights to all artwork. I have standing offers from various different manufacturers to blend the cigar. The current front runner is Esteban Carreras, due to price packaging and shipping. My trip is scheduled to be in January to the factory to blend and test the cigars. WOndering if anyone has attempted this process, if so whats your experiance, and also any companys you would recommend for the process other then Esteban? Open to all interpretations Thx
#DE4L #StillPuffin
also check into Eiroa of CLE cigars. he has been known to help new guys in the past.
#DE4L #StillPuffin
#DE4L #StillPuffin
#DE4L #StillPuffin
#DE4L #StillPuffin
#DE4L #StillPuffin
I don't usually like to name names as I don't do that sort of thing because it smacks of a little pretentiousness and this is a business that in some ways still start with a handshake. I've been given a lot of cigars over the years just to get my 'take' on them and that is an important part of networking in this business....get it into the hands of those who can spread a wide net around and talk with those who know the right people. Word of mouth is also how fires start in this business....and while there are a ton of respected reviewers it's become sad to say a 'Pay for Play' business at times. Give a reviewer a sample and see what happens and while this seems to be a common way of 'doing business' it ends up devaluing the product you want to get out. There is a right and wrong way to market any product and a lot of it is about risk and reward for those who want to share in the process. Getting your preliminaries taken care of is key...but now you are in the final approach as to how to get it out there under another umbrella which is another deal altogether because they have the resources most don't....that's what you really are dealing with and it's much like having a product good enough to fit into their branding but not better where there is now a competition. Do you have someone who can act as your agent in this regard....good partner...etc.....would love to see what you are working on as well as the product...keep us all posted on your exploits. Good Luck!
My favorite cigar list here
#DE4L #StillPuffin
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
id love to. i really enjoy trying new stuff.