I found Pheebs...

A big storm blew in with high winds, blew several large branches off a tree next to my shop. 4 days later this little guy hopped onto my shoe and would not hop off, so now I have a baby squirrel I'm raising. He was wandering around the side door around 8 this morning, I walked up to him, he hopped on my shoe. I thought he'd hop off, but after a couple minutes he was hanging on tight. Made a "nest" for him, and at lunch went to the vet and got him some kitten milk and syrenges to feed him (no needles, lol).

As far as building him a house.... as soon as he's weened, he's gonna be a backyard squirrel. Cardboard and paper towels are high tech compares to the leaves and twigs I'm sure he was using.
that is cool. gunna get a cage or something?
He was up almost every hour last night hungry, so I'm pretty wiped out today already, lol..
Ok I'm sorry. But you know Lassy would have asked that or worse if I hadn't done it
Another one wandered in the shop today, so now I have 2.....2.....I need to have my head examined.... cute little buggers, though.
And here's Nibbler:
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
Here's some recent pictures of the little nuts:
1. Cool freakin' photos... That's pretty awesome
2. Beta needs new shoes...
Get a squirrel and tell her its a dog ...a Bush Tailed Australian Tree Heeler ...Give her a lotta wine first though ...just tryin' to help !!!