Well...you could say I like them lol. I liked them, so did Rob and Logan. We all liked it, which means it hits alot of palates as we are all different really. Logan didn't like the other KBF releases too. Enjoy, and if you hate them, LMK and I'll trade ya for the four
He's the next big thing, lol and he don't need tattoos to sell cigars
His booth...was a shelf. No pictures, no posters, way back in the corner...and he opened up the 75 shops he limited his line to during the show. This dude don't care about bling, he knows tobacco...
Blah they were sold out by the time I checked. Cali guys have me confused, who owns the fed, just curious about reviews and such, who stands to profit now that they're distributing? Just curious, things set off my sensors. just worried about conflict of interest with reviews I read there. It us it just an open forum? They're selling so I'm just asking who operates the business side?
I decided to buy some because of the interview I saw on CIgar Chat and based on some reviews I've read. I don't know who owns the web site but I know some CCOM members are mods
I can give you the scoop blurr. It was started by Ezra Zion guys as a review site before Ezra Zion existed. After they started the company, the could not objectively review so the site went dead for a year and a half. As Robby and Logan became friends with them over Cigar Chat, they offered the platform to them, no pay just see what you can do. Rob and Logan contacted myself, Matt Ross and Jerad Johnston as mods/writers. The only monetary benefit we have seen was $250 for IPCPR, while we paid for transportation and rooms. All five reviewers do not score, an we all like different stuff. This blog section is also setup for anyone to review. If you wanted to review, you can and it will get posted front page like mine. Anyone can add content.
Now since the show we had never sold advertising, meaning we were generating no money at all. Each month our membership has increased, traffic increased, and we've added new shows and mods/writers. Now we sell advertising, albeit very little but I am not involved. We started the store to give readers the ability to buy stuff like el Cedro which you can't find anywhere. The store is basically an extension under the umbrella of Emilio, as the owner has 27 B&M's, so it's his license, our very small operation. Really our goal is to have the real small batch stuff. Now does that mean hopefully we get paid one day? Sure, I'd like to be. I do get free cigars from time to time which is nice, and the show was awesome. I think if you met the guys, you wouldn't question their objectivity. I think Rob and Logan should be paid as they bust their ****, and hopefully the shop can afford the site the ability to compensate those guys. Everything up to this point has been done for the love of the leaf, and god knows how many hours Rob and Logan have worked for free over the years. Obviously given the store connection now, I've been less involved here, as I don't want to ruffle any feathers, but ccom will always be close to my heart as I started here.
Now as far as objectivity of reviews is concerned, I think having 6 palates reviewing allows the consume the ability to find guys that have similar tastes, and trust their opinions. Logan blasted the EZ Tantrum. When I reviewed it, it was too spicy to me, but still excellent. Same with the new Draig, excellent cigar, too spicy to me, but my job is to evaluate quality and recommend accordingly. I think it's easy to tell when a reviewer really likes something, versus respects a quality cigar, versus not impressed. Gettin free smokes from any manufacturer is going to affect objectivity of any and all review sites and honestly we trade smokes amongst reviewers if we know certain guys are better off reviewing something. Now that's not to say Logan is more likely to give a spicy cigar a grea review, but he is more likely to understand it objectively versus the competition, where I'd just toss it. Same with mild stuff for me. We still strive to review outsider our comfort zone as well as often as possible too.
Anyways, I hope that helps. Feel free to ask away man, all the guys are straight shooters. As of this point, all of us are either doing this free, or if someone is getting paid, it's probably severely underpaid. I don't ask though, I just do it for the love, and hope one day someone pays attention to my writing. In the meantime,y relationships from the show has gotten me invites to Nica and the DR. I'll post pics next month btw, we post the EZ connections on our about page I believe. When I can quit my day job doing this, then I'll worry about my ethics and objectivity lol. In the end, Rob and Logan run the site and the forum and blogs are wide open to any retailer, company, shop, website, writer, consumer etc...
Now since the show we had never sold advertising, meaning we were generating no money at all. Each month our membership has increased, traffic increased, and we've added new shows and mods/writers. Now we sell advertising, albeit very little but I am not involved. We started the store to give readers the ability to buy stuff like el Cedro which you can't find anywhere. The store is basically an extension under the umbrella of Emilio, as the owner has 27 B&M's, so it's his license, our very small operation. Really our goal is to have the real small batch stuff. Now does that mean hopefully we get paid one day? Sure, I'd like to be. I do get free cigars from time to time which is nice, and the show was awesome. I think if you met the guys, you wouldn't question their objectivity. I think Rob and Logan should be paid as they bust their ****, and hopefully the shop can afford the site the ability to compensate those guys. Everything up to this point has been done for the love of the leaf, and god knows how many hours Rob and Logan have worked for free over the years. Obviously given the store connection now, I've been less involved here, as I don't want to ruffle any feathers, but ccom will always be close to my heart as I started here.
Now as far as objectivity of reviews is concerned, I think having 6 palates reviewing allows the consume the ability to find guys that have similar tastes, and trust their opinions. Logan blasted the EZ Tantrum. When I reviewed it, it was too spicy to me, but still excellent. Same with the new Draig, excellent cigar, too spicy to me, but my job is to evaluate quality and recommend accordingly. I think it's easy to tell when a reviewer really likes something, versus respects a quality cigar, versus not impressed. Gettin free smokes from any manufacturer is going to affect objectivity of any and all review sites and honestly we trade smokes amongst reviewers if we know certain guys are better off reviewing something. Now that's not to say Logan is more likely to give a spicy cigar a grea review, but he is more likely to understand it objectively versus the competition, where I'd just toss it. Same with mild stuff for me. We still strive to review outsider our comfort zone as well as often as possible too.
Anyways, I hope that helps. Feel free to ask away man, all the guys are straight shooters. As of this point, all of us are either doing this free, or if someone is getting paid, it's probably severely underpaid. I don't ask though, I just do it for the love, and hope one day someone pays attention to my writing. In the meantime,y relationships from the show has gotten me invites to Nica and the DR. I'll post pics next month
My favorite cigar list here