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Did I hurt my sticks?

ZAPZAP Posts: 186 ✭✭
I had a good read on my humidor all summer and most of the time I was running too humid and had to back things down....then fall hit and it was almost perfect....67...then I forgot to check for about two weeks and the next time I looked it was 50!  I felt them and they seemed hard and not particularly oily....

Got some Camacho Corojo (5), Camacho Triple Maddy's (4)....a few Quesada Ofests (3), and have been sitting on a Man O war Armada for about two years....not a ton of smokes but some quality stuff...

I put them in baggies with humidifying pouch....brought it slowly to about 62 in a week....added another pouch and they are now sitting perfectly at 68...

Would love to give one a shot but it is the coldest December on record here in Northern MN so have not had a shot....talking highs of -5...today was in the 20's for the first time in two weeks but I was working...anyhow...

Any thoughts on if I ruined these sticks letting them drop down to 50 for at least a week maybe two?


  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,050 ✭✭✭✭✭
    No. I don't think that would hurt them. My buddy recently let his get low for a few weeks at about 52% and we even smoked a couple of them the day he discovered it and they seemed OK. You've done good by bringing them back slowly. They should be fine. I think the wintertime low humidity is hard on smaller humidors. I had to deploy a bunch of Bovedas in each of my small humidors a couple of weeks ago when things got dry. Although I mostly use Kitty Litter and gel jars, I still recommed Boveda humidity packets for keeping things on an even keel during the winter. Once the low humidity season is passed I'll be putting all my Bovedas in a ziplock bag to save them for when they are really needed.
  • PAtoNHPAtoNH Posts: 429
    I had a rh drop in my smaller humi recently after a few weeks of cold dry winter air. I picked up a Boveda 75 at the B&M and it's brought everything back up nicely. I think part of the problem for me is that with head colds and cold weather I'm not opening/monitoring my humi as much as I should.
  • RhamlinRhamlin Posts: 9,066 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Their fine just bring up your humidity slowly over a few days do they don't swell up.
  • CigaryCigary Posts: 630
    From time to time I think everybody has their humidors that will slip from what they want down to the 50's and since you have a time frame of only 2 weeks....you're fine. Remember that if you even order cigars online they ship from places that are freezing and can take up to 10 business days to get from the warehouse to your house...so relax and enjoy your cigars. You did a good thing by bringing them back to the % you want in a slower time frame...keeps bad things from happening like splitting and stuff.
  • ZAPZAP Posts: 186 ✭✭
    Thanks for the replies everyone...might sit out on the porch and give one a shot tomorrow....looking at 32 for a high.....shorts weather...
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