Are you an optimist or pessimist?

I by my nature am an optimistic person and wonder just how many people here share my views toward life in general?
If I am right there will be three optimist for every pessimistic person who will post not that there will be an accurate figure presented here because most who lean towards pessimism will regard this thread as trivial and not worth their time to answer or will want to hide this fact about themselves which they have forgotten has already been presented through the writings of said individuals for a lengthy period of time.
So who is game enough to state the truth about themselves?
And yes this is one of my little social experiments, I admit it up front.
If I am right there will be three optimist for every pessimistic person who will post not that there will be an accurate figure presented here because most who lean towards pessimism will regard this thread as trivial and not worth their time to answer or will want to hide this fact about themselves which they have forgotten has already been presented through the writings of said individuals for a lengthy period of time.
So who is game enough to state the truth about themselves?
And yes this is one of my little social experiments, I admit it up front.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
kiddo-as long as you prepare for the worst you will never be disappointed if that is the outcome, but know that when most things turnout, that you can be pleasantly surprised, and on the times its not seeming to be good, wait a year and look back on how it really turned out before final judgment.
76 reads:
12 replies, of these twelve, I believe only four. Possibly five.
Folks, honesty without comedy is sometimes warranted. This being one of those times.
I have read your post for years and already know where most of you stand from this perspective alone.
Be honest but most importantly, be sincere in your answer else my experiment is turned to rubbish.
I am not delving into your inner personalities here, I am looking for a generalized figure from a set control group.
Have fun with it but then please answer with honesty.
Thank you.
This one, I must admit is funny.
But is it honest?
Short Version: Pessimist.
Yes... it is quite honest. I have always struggled against pessimism, tending to expect the worst. Somehow, though, it has seemed to motivate me to strive for the best, and things generally turn out better than I anticipated.
I believe that things will always work out, but that a lot of people can't be trusted.
So while I know that things will always work out, in the back of my mind, I know that there is some moron out there waiting to screw up a perfectly good day.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
I hate that about myself and I'm working on it.
I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot. I will smoke anything, though.
What you would doubtless term a pessimist.