Vape Rebuildable - New Boots - PIC HEAVY

Here is what i was talking about in your other thread. This is my current setup. The mod is a Kamry K100 with the iGoW3 rebuildable atomizer.
This is what the iGo looks like opened up
I made a dual coil setup the first time. Packed with cotton for wick.
Then i did a quad coil build which i am currently running on.
I prefer the dual coil setup... its a lot easier to build and there is more room for wick and construction. It gets a little cramped with the quad coil build. Both put off great vapor output and the flavor for both is awesome! The major downside to the quad coil system is that it makes the cap of the atomizer REALLY REALLY HOT VERY QUICKLY!!!! but as far as i see it im shooting for big vapor clouds.... ive got a lot of learning still... like building micro coils to conserve space and increase cloud performance. but im happy with it in general.

This is what the iGo looks like opened up

I made a dual coil setup the first time. Packed with cotton for wick.

Then i did a quad coil build which i am currently running on.

I prefer the dual coil setup... its a lot easier to build and there is more room for wick and construction. It gets a little cramped with the quad coil build. Both put off great vapor output and the flavor for both is awesome! The major downside to the quad coil system is that it makes the cap of the atomizer REALLY REALLY HOT VERY QUICKLY!!!! but as far as i see it im shooting for big vapor clouds.... ive got a lot of learning still... like building micro coils to conserve space and increase cloud performance. but im happy with it in general.
Life is like a blind fiver. You never know what you're gonna get.
Ooooh that smell
Can't you smell that smell
Ooooh that smell
The smell of cotton candy/vanilla surrounds you
My apologies to Lynyrd Skynyrd and fans of Lynyrd Skynyrd.
You kiddos might have to google Lynyrd Skynyrd.