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Address Update

bbass2bbass2 Posts: 1,059 ✭✭
If you have my address on file please PM me to make sure it's up-to-date.


  • MartelMartel Posts: 3,306 ✭✭✭✭
    If you have my address on file please PM me to make sure it's up-to-date.
    you expecting something?

    Me too. If you have a memphis address, it's wrong.
    Intelligence is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

    I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot.  I will smoke anything, though.
  • bbass2bbass2 Posts: 1,059 ✭✭
    No, not expecting anything, but I got bombed at the old address so it's best to make sure any info out there is correct. PM me your new address
  • New_BootsNew_Boots Posts: 2,651 ✭✭
    Oh...you should know better!
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