Home Trades, Passes and Bombs


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I post this in this section because this tip may prove useful to someone active in this section.

An old friend picked one heck of a time to return this week from a month in Mexico. Though not a cigar smoker, Fran has motorcycled with me on more than one Johnny Sotweedseed adventure. Therefore, when Fran spotted a cigar maker in Puerta Vallarta, he made certain to buy one for me. A Don Martin robusto. The Mexican shop packed it in a baggie with a half handful of tobacco leaf; apparently some wrapper trimmings. He dropped it off here with Bearswatter while I was at work today. She called me to say "Fran was here and he left a cigar and some leaves." I instantly grokked the cigar; but I was puzzled by the leaves. However. Soon as I came home and spotted that baggie, I said: Hey! There's an idea! The resourceful peasant's home grown humidipack is... sacrificial leaves. No doubt this method pre-dates the other by many centuries. And the cost? Well, it costs no more than what you would have thrown away.

Gotta love Mexico.

So. Next time you're packing a bomb and you find yourself out of humidipacks, consider a herbidipack.

“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)

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