This "Haole" got Sharkbit from Hawaii
Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
Ok so get a trade offer from Ryan aka "TwoThingism" and he sends package right off no questions asked, mentioned a local stick...Along comes this great selection of sticks along with some new ones I haven't seen till today's DD and along with a note of here's is his end of the trade cough....cough 5 for 5......OHHHHH the pressure I have endure hoping to live up to the trade....Thank you Ryan for the wonderful sticks and the trade I believe you will fit in here on the Forums nicely, my side of trade will ship out in the am....
Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
My favorite cigar list here
Bigshizza, I actually live on Oahu. I think it would be cool to have a few sticks with ya, But the flights are very expensive.
"swim with the dolphins & sting rays" deal for her at sea life park, well HELLO stupid its on Oahu, NOT Maui so... $600.00 later for two round trip tickets to Oahu and back to Maui she had wonderful time :P
(insert just how stupid I am here remark) <----- I found out the day before when I was trying to use map quest to get "driving" directions to the park from the condo in Maui O-o
From Bob
From MVW
Nah. I've only been to the one on Waialae Ave. You're right that they're the best subs in the state. I don't like going to the north shore. Too much traffic.
Normally I buy my sticks online. But if there's something I really want to try, I normally go to Tamura's Fine wine and liquor or a small specialty fine wine shop which are minutes from my house. They carry maybe 10-15 different brands. I don't go to the ones in town and Waikiki so much because they are way more overpriced.
Pearlridge mall???? Because if that's the same place you're talking about, that place is shady. They don't take care of their cigars. I wanted to try some stuff they carried because I can't find it anywhere else, but the doors are broken and I can't find any form of humidification there.