I have had one once. It had 6+ months of age to it and it was really good. My friend loves these right out of the box. He says they make him feel stoned. They are strong!
Yes, this is a great stogie. It starts off with a blast of black pepper, and really just settles into a full-bodied, juicy cigar. I really enjoy the flavor. It's not incredibly complex, but it's a nice full-bodied cigar that I like to bust out at BBQs.
These are excellent. I just ordered a box a couple weeks ago. I had to pull the trigger on this one today. At the price they are offered here... it's a no brainer boy's.
Damn, I was going to try and hold off on this one, but I may have to bite now after hearing everyone talk about it! Thanks a lot guys! I'm sending my wife to b*tch at all of you when she sees our bank statement! haha
Damn, I was going to try and hold off on this one, but I may have to bite now after hearing everyone talk about it! Thanks a lot guys! I'm sending my wife to b*tch at all of you when she sees our bank statement! haha
Well OK Puro... but I'm gonna introduce her to my wife and then when they are finished I am going to send them BOTH back to your place so they can do some fine tuning on your ass. LOL
Damn, I was going to try and hold off on this one, but I may have to bite now after hearing everyone talk about it! Thanks a lot guys! I'm sending my wife to b*tch at all of you when she sees our bank statement! haha
Well OK Puro... but I'm gonna introduce her to my wife and then when they are finished I am going to send them BOTH back to your place so they can do some fine tuning on your ass. LOL
O goodness... I love this forum. That gave me a good chuckle.
¨The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea¨ - Isak Dinesen
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
Damn, I was going to try and hold off on this one, but I may have to bite now after hearing everyone talk about it! Thanks a lot guys! I'm sending my wife to b*tch at all of you when she sees our bank statement! haha
Well OK Puro... but I'm gonna introduce her to my wife and then when they are finished I am going to send them BOTH back to your place so they can do some fine tuning on your ass. LOL
HAHA I'll just give my wife your address! She is so cold natured she would make it halfway up there and freeze her ass off then come back and just be so glad to be warm that she would forget about how I pissed her off in the first place. That way we are both safe! lol
I'm sitting here debating on whether or not I should pull the trigger on this. I need to restock badly, but this would be a big hit to my wallet right now.
For the Torpedo, it's almost a wash if you really don't want the sampler. But if you went Gordo or Robusto, you would be better served passing on the blitz and getting the everyday price and the freebie. I guess I would say the sampler is worth over $10 and less than $25 to me. Tough choice as I might like the stubby Gordo. You break the sampler down, except for the Intenso you are getting some $3 dollar sticks, and I would like to try the maduro only. You don't need the Intenso sample because you are buying a box. Size does matter .
I'm sitting here debating on whether or not I should pull the trigger on this. I need to restock badly, but this would be a big hit to my wallet right now.
Matt, if you want to split a box with me, I'm game. I'll hit you up with a PM.
Damn, I was going to try and hold off on this one, but I may have to bite now after hearing everyone talk about it! Thanks a lot guys! I'm sending my wife to b*tch at all of you when she sees our bank statement! haha
Well OK Puro... but I'm gonna introduce her to my wife and then when they are finished I am going to send them BOTH back to your place so they can do some fine tuning on your ass. LOL
Hey Puro just tell her you are now working undercover as a cigar puffing OCD gangsta ...she can't bi_tch about that ...a mans gotta work ...hahaha
Damn, I was going to try and hold off on this one, but I may have to bite now after hearing everyone talk about it! Thanks a lot guys! I'm sending my wife to b*tch at all of you when she sees our bank statement! haha
Well OK Puro... but I'm gonna introduce her to my wife and then when they are finished I am going to send them BOTH back to your place so they can do some fine tuning on your ass. LOL
Hey Puro just tell her you are now working undercover as a cigar puffing OCD gangsta ...she can't bi_tch about that ...a mans gotta work ...hahaha
hey! no tellen' wives about "UCP-OCDG"!!! Top secret! Especially no telling your local board of metal health!!!
For the Torpedo, it's almost a wash if you really don't want the sampler. But if you went Gordo or Robusto, you would be better served passing on the blitz and getting the everyday price and the freebie. I guess I would say the sampler is worth over $10 and less than $25 to me. Tough choice as I might like the stubby Gordo. You break the sampler down, except for the Intenso you are getting some $3 dollar sticks, and I would like to try the maduro only. You don't need the Intenso sample because you are buying a box. Size does matter .
Give Tim a call to order it and say hey since I am buying a box can you throw that freebie that comes with buying a box in with it. The worse that he would say is no I can't. Though I don't think they would.
For the Torpedo, it's almost a wash if you really don't want the sampler. But if you went Gordo or Robusto, you would be better served passing on the blitz and getting the everyday price and the freebie. I guess I would say the sampler is worth over $10 and less than $25 to me. Tough choice as I might like the stubby Gordo. You break the sampler down, except for the Intenso you are getting some $3 dollar sticks, and I would like to try the maduro only. You don't need the Intenso sample because you are buying a box. Size does matter .
Give Tim a call to order it and say hey since I am buying a box can you throw that freebie that comes with buying a box in with it. The worse that he would say is no I can't. Though I don't think they would.
I agree 100%. But problem is that is like asking for a double discount, or a double double coupon. And then it would be a precedent, and he would have to do it for everyone. It's ok to give everyone who missed out on the Ruination deal the same deal, but that is really pushing it. I think I am going to pass on the torpedo's, wait til some more items come back in stock I desire, and batch up enough for another Gurhka Micro sampler freebie. I can get the gordos, the longer sticks in the sampler and end up better than the blitz. I still have a pick two to use also. I try to stack up a mooch package to get to 125. But the Intenso will be in it. If I can get a good DCD I'll be set.
I got my CA Intenso's and rekindled a love affair. Wow are those good, even right off the truck. It along with the Ruination are favorites of mine but the Intenso cost half as much. This deal was a no brainer.
I got my CA Intenso's and rekindled a love affair. Wow are those good, even right off the truck. It along with the Ruination are favorites of mine but the Intenso cost half as much. This deal was a no brainer.
Yeah man, this was an awesome cigar. I've had one of mine so far, and can't wait to get to another this week. I'll give the Ruination a try tomorrow I think and we'll see which one I like best.
I had to pull the trigger on this one today. At the price they are offered here... it's a no brainer boy's.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
Hey Puro just tell her you are now working undercover as a cigar puffing OCD gangsta ...she can't bi_tch about that ...a mans gotta work ...hahaha
Especially no telling your local board of metal health!!!
Give Tim a call to order it and say hey since I am buying a box can you throw that freebie that comes with buying a box in with it. The worse that he would say is no I can't. Though I don't think they would.