
in Pipes
I have been considering trying a pipe and I have been eyeing the Stanwell pipe kit. Is this a good start up for a beginner? It looks to have everything I would need, is it alright to smoke these blends out of the same pipe? I would appreciate any advice before I pull the trigger.
Start with cobs and buy a good quality inspected briar when you find a blend you know you will smoke a lot of. For me that is Veermaster, McC 5100, Nightcap, Frog Morton Cellar, London Mix. All of those have dedicated briar pipes. You can change what you smoke in a briar but make sure it gets a good cleaning first. Otherwise the previous blend can linger for a long, long time.
So far, for me, trial and error has been the only definitive way to answer the question.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Really I don't think of pipes in terms of price, I think of them as good or bad smokers. Here are some things that help me pick my pipes.
1. A perfectly aligned and smooth airway from the draft hole in the bowl to the end of the mouthpiece. 2. The draft hole should be as close as possible to the center of the bowl and should align exactly with the airhole in the stem. You should be able to push a pipe cleaner from the mouthpiece all the way through into the bowl without difficulty.The draft hole must be drilled at the very bottom of the bowl if it is not flush with the bottom and drilled partway up the side do not buy the pipe. 3.Thicker chamber walls will result in a cooler smoke. However, the pipe should feel lighter then you think it should. Good briar is very lightweight and if it is a great piece of briar there will be no added fills, etc. in the wood keeping the feel lighter than expected. Fills would cover small cracks and while this really does not impact the smoke in a major way could to some extent as well as result in cracks after long use.
Other than that it is just a matter of breaking the pipe itself. There are other factors that I will consider when buying a pipe but these are really what should be looked at to decide if it will be a good smoking pipe.
shape also can be a factor I will try to weigh in on that later today.
So yes, the shape does play a part. If you are smoking VA out of a Pot or Dublin you might consider switch to a different pipe and devoting those to the Lat. and aros.
I now know why.
I plan on re-visiting some neglected Deep Hallow in my narrow cob now... see how those VA's turn out now.
J.S.> your a life saver.
A dublin. never was a fan of the shape... though i have to honestly admit, I have been picking my pipes on how they look. never really considering how they smoke. I think i might need to explore shape options a little more. How fun this all is!
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We have bought our fancy new pipe... super cool looking and lightweight to boot.
Now we spent a nice coin on buying this pipe. almost to the point of being serious coin.
the question is.... how do you know when you have smoked enough to finally try the good pipe? to put down the cob and pick up your prized pipe? im terrified at the thought of ruining my new pipe, but at the same time... want to use it sooooooo bad!
I need a big bowl pipe. My china pipe broke the stem off and now im dying for a new LAT piece. I want something with a 3/4" or bigger chamber. I cant seem to locate anything with a larger bowl for a resonable price (under 150) thats quality and not ching chang smoke shop.
I tried using the search function from many various sites, but .7 to .6 or smaller bowl diameter is all i see.
I am fed up with my 2 cobs, a country gent and a patriot. no flavor, all bite, goopy filters or just a crappy smoking experiance. Atleast..... for non aros.
With aros, they smoke just fine. So I will set them aside for just that purpose.
Anybody have any suggestions? im open minded for the time being