humi for storage?

in Pipes
My tin of OGS got really dry one day in my pocket out in the field. I had tossed it in the main cigar humi to try and juice it back up about a week or so ago. I had a bowl on the way home from work today and it was flat out delicious... flavors seemed more Intense but smooth.
So that got me wondering, I have an extra 10 count humi that actually seals amazingly well. Can pipe tobacco be aged or stored in a humi as a cigar would? Provided you were buying bulk and its a small humi dedicated to that one kind. Would there be any benefit to the tobacco?
So that got me wondering, I have an extra 10 count humi that actually seals amazingly well. Can pipe tobacco be aged or stored in a humi as a cigar would? Provided you were buying bulk and its a small humi dedicated to that one kind. Would there be any benefit to the tobacco?
You bring up a good subject and interested in what everyone else has to say.
this is a real important part of the whole game and i think some guided experiance is very helpful at this point. I never really was taught how to smoke, pack or anything else with the pipe. I kinda just swung blindly into the dark and was trying and trying to seriously enjoy it, but it just wasnt happening for me. I was smoking far far to wet and understand now why the HUMI is such a bad idea. I literally didnt think i had much of a tongue last month at all... and it wasnt Bite, it was flat out steam burn that was ruining my whole experiance. I had tried the 45 minutes to a few hours attempts to dry my tobacco but it never seemed to improve anything. not knowing what the correct moisture feels like really made this a guessing game and it wasnt until I had left a freshly packed bowl out for over a weekend did i finally figure this out. It was a fresh tin of McClelland Blackwoods that had been kicking my tongues ass everytime I tried it. I could barely drink anything hot... it hurt so bad. Anyways, my faithful Briarcraft had been left packed over the weekend, and when I smoked it... it was FANTASTIC! Tasty, cool and wonderful! Is this what pipe smoking is? Wholly chit... This is really awesome! So this week ive left what I plan to consume out for a few days, burns perfect now. Not crispy dusty dry... but dry like it barely crumbles down. What a difference.
Lesson be.. if somebody can physically show you what the qualitys are of decent tobacco ready to smoke - you will be miles ahead in the game. and off to a better experiance.