Crushed by a noob!!
Posts: 1,088 ✭✭✭
Llado1 wasted no time introducing himself to me.
I got home today to find a box busting at the seams in the mailbox.
Adam put the smackdown on me big time!!
Thank you brother. Great selection of sticks. Btw the image got cropped. If you click on the picture you can see the total damage.
Revenge will be swift and painless.
Hahahaha you couldn't hit a noob if you tried. Good luck finding the PO you drunk bastird! While your at it, send some of that booze my way so we can sober you up. Chuck probably sent you his own address that sneaky lil guy. He's taking advantage of you!
And the last time I was taken advantage of was when I woke up in the wrong section of Bangkok. Now that you've made me regress and remember that time, well, let's just say, it won't be pretty.
It hasnt found my doorstep yet. Your bluffing!
Oh that was you in Bangkok? Sorry about that brotha. Won't happen again.
Your doorstep? Do you like your doorstep? You had better take pictures now so you can reconstruct it. By the way, Home Depot has a sale on mailboxes right now, I suggest you take advantage of the sale....
Ya know funny thing is I dont even have a doorstep. tehehe. Now I'm scared. How's about we all have a drink and forget about this ever happening... HAHAHAHAHA ya right! Im surprised you can still spell advantage! We need to take you home to your parents before you do anything stupid. The last time you tried hitting on a guy named Adam we found you in the dumpster wearing a women's dress. Ahhhh... Good times.
Not as much as you loving that dress. Damn you couldve made for a hell of a lady. Well that night you were. I guess dreams do come true. hahaha 20 count. Bring it on! heading to home depot in the morning to get some supplies. It won't take much but a hammer and some nails.
I have some left over from Bangkok. Too bad we didn't take some pics. we could've made a fortune.
Ooooo send those beauties my way! See now your going to make me go out and buy a photo book. Oh the things I do for love.
nah brochacho. Just another new kid on the block looking to make a name. it can sometimes be hard dealing with all this jackazzery and what not, but Don't worry, you'll soon be in the corsshairs of the big bad noob. Cheers my friend!