@NorthsideSmoke must have come to the conclusion that I don’t have enough weapons in the house. I’m keeping the lunatic on my nightstand. Awesome selection here my friend, very much appreciated. I’m looking forward to that las calaveras, stopped getting them for myself years ago. Just about all of these will be a first. Thank you again!
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill. MOW badge received.
@Patrickbrick said: @NorthsideSmoke must have come to the conclusion that I don’t have enough weapons in the house. I’m keeping the lunatic on my nightstand. Awesome selection here my friend, very much appreciated. I’m looking forward to that las calaveras, stopped getting them for myself years ago. Just about all of these will be a first. Thank you again!
I really liked the Jester and El Pulpo
"I drink a great deal. I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred-percent form." -- Winston Churchill "LET'S GO FRANCIS" Peter
@Patrickbrick said: @NorthsideSmoke must have come to the conclusion that I don’t have enough weapons in the house. I’m keeping the lunatic on my nightstand. Awesome selection here my friend, very much appreciated. I’m looking forward to that las calaveras, stopped getting them for myself years ago. Just about all of these will be a first. Thank you again!
Wait, what are you going to be doing with that thing in the bedroom? 🍌🍆
@Patrickbrick said: @NorthsideSmoke must have come to the conclusion that I don’t have enough weapons in the house. I’m keeping the lunatic on my nightstand. Awesome selection here my friend, very much appreciated. I’m looking forward to that las calaveras, stopped getting them for myself years ago. Just about all of these will be a first. Thank you again!
Wait, what are you going to be doing with that thing in the bedroom? 🍌🍆
“If you have to ask, you can’t afford it.”
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill. MOW badge received.
A few weeks ago @skydiverD AkA Darren AKA Day-Run let a few of us know that he unfortunately was quitting the hobby/habit and was looking to sell his collection. I was quick on the draw and am only an hourish away so he said, “come on down and get them”. Yesterday was the day. The picture does not do what is actually here justus! Some old rare items in here especially Tats! I will be sharing this collection fo sho! Thank you Darren, it was great to see you, Juliette misses her lunch buddy! @Usaf06 theres a ****, Jackal, San Antonio club humidor 20 years and several older full size monsters.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill. MOW badge received.
Impressive, Seth!
And your victims.

Uncalled-for aggression.
Thanks, Franky.
I wonder how many hands that Lunatic will go through before it burns. It's like Aunt Alice's Christmas fruit cake.
You’re welcome Peter. Enjoy 😁
@NorthsideSmoke hit me too with the 8x80 Lunatic fruitcake and some cigars I'll eagerly smoke, TYVM Frank.
@Yakster enjoy brother. No send backs on the 8x80 😂
Early Christmas present.

It’s 13f low of 6 tonight. So a little too cold for my normal setup so I got this today
Go big or go home...
So you’re smoking the 8x80 then?
@NorthsideSmoke must have come to the conclusion that I don’t have enough weapons in the house. I’m keeping the lunatic on my nightstand. Awesome selection here my friend, very much appreciated. I’m looking forward to that las calaveras, stopped getting them for myself years ago. Just about all of these will be a first. Thank you again!

MOW badge received.
Welcome bud. And be careful, you can put an eye out with that thing.
. I’m keeping the lunatic on my nightstand.
Oh, really? For what purpose?
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
I really liked the Jester and El Pulpo
-- Winston Churchill
Wait, what are you going to be doing with that thing in the bedroom? 🍌🍆
Pack of 8 made2catch Classic Metal Mouse Traps Fully Galvanized - Snap Trap for Mice - Mouse Control -
They work great but half the time when it catches a mouse the damned weasel steals the mouse and trap. Living in a 200 year old house is an adventure.
That looks a lot better than my old wooden ones.
Maybe a tether of some sort would help?
Good Lord @NorthsideSmoke !
It'll take me near three weeks to smoke the Lunatic! Thanks Frank, awesome selection!
@Stubble just imagine yourself moseyon down to carrot ranch and doing what the goats do. You’ll be fine. 🥕🐐🍆
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
@Stubble enjoy brother.
“If you have to ask, you can’t afford it.”
MOW badge received.
Another dad at the rink gifted these to me for helping wire his hot tub. I think he did great
5 for $14

One of them is no good.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Or, maybe two of them are no good.
Maybe none of them are good.... or am I?
A few weeks ago @skydiverD AkA Darren AKA Day-Run let a few of us know that he unfortunately was quitting the hobby/habit and was looking to sell his collection. I was quick on the draw and am only an hourish away so he said, “come on down and get them”. Yesterday was the day. The picture does not do what is actually here justus! Some old rare items in here especially Tats! I will be sharing this collection fo sho! Thank you Darren, it was great to see you, Juliette misses her lunch buddy! @Usaf06 theres a ****, Jackal, San Antonio club humidor 20 years and several older full size monsters.
MOW badge received.
Nice bag of Tats 🤙🏼
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
Looks like a sweet collection. Sad to see someone quit the hobby but, glad they found a good home.