I do but was dead to the world last night. Did kimbo win?
Kimbo got FFFFFFFFFFFFacked! lol.... And I am a huge fan... I love Ultimate Fighting... Have a friend that is an amateur... I was taking Jiu Jitsu lessons too... I love it... There is nothing better than having a guy on top of you, sweating, and rolling on the ground! As long as you don't look each other in the eye it's not gay haahhahh... Its a jiu jitsu joke...
I agree with you stan. Kimbo looked horrible, he had no agression, just let Roy hit him. roy landed like 95% of his punches. Thats horrible. Don't get me started on Kimbo's ground game. My 6 month old nephew can move on the ground better than him. (joke because he can only crawl. LAUGH). If anything I'm just pissed Dana White has signed him. Kimbo let it slide that he is fighting in UFC 107 december 12th. FYI this is not TUF finalie.
I agree with you stan. Kimbo looked horrible, he had no agression, just let Roy hit him. roy landed like 95% of his punches. Thats horrible. Don't get me started on Kimbo's ground game. My 6 month old nephew can move on the ground better than him. (joke because he can only crawl. LAUGH). If anything I'm just pissed Dana White has signed him. Kimbo let it slide that he is fighting in UFC 107 december 12th. FYI this is not TUF finalie.
I actually like this article from Yahoo today... It seems its all about the marketing and the fact that there's still money to be made and the Kimbo hype can be milked for much longer...
I'm not necessarily a fan of Kimbo Slice, but I do give the guy some credit where it's due. He's not a trained MMA fighter, he's a street brawler, so naturally he's going to be out of his element with someone like Big Country who is a much more experienced, trained MMA fighter. In my eyes, the fact that Kimbo gave an honest effort to learn some technique and improve himself is something he deserves a bit of respect for.
On that note, I was terribly unimpressed with Big Country. Sure he beat Kimbo and pretty well dominated him, but he looked seriously weak in the fight. The crucifix position was good, but the blows he was landing didn't impress me much as fight ending blows. And then the way he acted after the fight was another knock against him, he carried on like he'd just won a big fight in a decisive manner, which I don't think he did one bit.
I guess what it comes down to is, whether you like Kimbo or not, whether you feel he's for real or just a gimmick, I've got more respect for the guy now than I did before. On that same note, I have a lot less respect for Rampage than before watching him on TUF. My opinions, take them for what they are.
I don't watch "The Ultimate Fighter" but I would assume the "Ultimate Fighter" would be myself trying to fight to the top of a pile of people while trying to avoid drowning in fecal matter.... Is that what you guys are talking about???
I KNOW I'd kick ass for I do NOT want poop on my shoes....
Ok time out boys ......... iam a huge Kimbo fan and anyone that thinks he got jacked in that fight is sadly mistaken ......... all the shots that Roy landed on the ground were thrown left handed on th top ofKimbo's head ....... next thing ..... you guys know who Brock Lesnar is right???? Ok Mr i make weight at 265 then rehydrate and fight at 280-290 .... anyone he gets on the ground he will keep there because of his weight ........ now back to Kimbo/Roy ...... Roy barely made weigt and hydrated to close to 275-280 ..... Kimbo fights at 235-245 ...... he doenst need to make weight or rehydrate ...... any fighter that fought roy and got stuck under the bigman would have had the same thing happen ..... dont say he got jacked ....... let a friend who weighs 40-55 pounds more than you lay on you and try to get up ...... I wrestled 4 years in highschool and my freshman year i was 218 and we had state champ at 215 ..... geuss what i wrestled 250 and my freshman year got my ass kicked because everyone i went against was 250 and i couldnt budge them ..... then my next three years i wrestled at 240 and had no problems at all ....... Also chew on this ...... other than the football players and kimbo all of the other TUF contestants have had some sort of formal training ..... be it wrestling,boxing, ju jitsu, muay thai, karate or whatever ....... get to know who kinbo is ..... he was a football player who had the chance to go on a scolarchip to a few SEC schools ..... his junior year his school is demeolished by a hurricane and he couldnt play the next year because of flordia H.S. rules ...... no scolarschip .... he went to being the toughest guy in his neighboorhood and when someone got jacked or punked they ran to kimbo ...... then the internet backyard vids and working as a bodygaurd for the low level porn company in miami then eleite xc ...... he will eventually do well in MMA but he needs to learn ..... 1 year of traing with Bas Rutten and now this ..... and he is working witha good camp in miami ...... he will come around ...... but make no mistake ....... he did not get jacked in that fight .... P.S. remember that fight happened in June
I have repsect for Kimbo and the fact that he trying to go legit, adn get into the UFC the only way that Dana will let him. (so he said). Is Kimbo that upper crust for the bigs of UFC? No he isn't yet. on a side note I know the UFC doesn't have all the talent and that it is actually spread out to other organizations. Kimbo isn't ready to handle this type of competition. Could he be? Yeah with the right amount of training, just not right now. But we can all see where this is heading. Dana is going to put kimbo up against two easy guys for his first two PPV. Then bein the business man that Dana is he is going to give Kimbo a title shot. Why? Becasue it will be the highest UFC PPv to date. Can't blame the guy, it's business. Though not good for the sport
You guys are buying in the nice marketing of Kimbo ... Read that Yahoo article its rather informative... As for weight - they were pretty equally matched I thought. I weighed 130 when I had jiu jitsu sessions with my 170+ partner and I got out... Kimbo cant? Maybe he should fight me... Its true there is much about weight but there is a lot about technique and Roy's wasn't that great so I if Kimbo knew better he wouldn't simply lay there and let him beat him... And Roy was delivering easy blows cause he was just kind of "having fun"... In any case I do not like either of them. Neither Lesnar - he is an interesting fighter to watch but his character is awful and he is an idiot. He is such an unsportsman... But they will change his media image as well.. After all its all about the money for Dana and all... Rampage at least can always make me laugh.. I mean - have you seen his youtube videos hahaaha?
It's not so much buying into the marketing of Kimbo, but you've got to give the guy credit for trying to learn. Nobody starts out in MMA knowing everything, they all have to learn and pay their dues...from that point of view, Kimbo has received more mainstream attention without necessarily deserving it, but he seems to be making an earnest effort.
And yeah, Rampage is funny, but I don't like the way he acts on the show. He picks the biggest guys who have no real skill, he doesn't do much in the way of coaching (Rashad is way better) and he just comes off as a big A-hole.
I agree with you Joe. I think Rampage is hilarious but he does come off as an ass. And frankly, I'm not really sure that's his real personality. He's a bit of a showman so I could really believe that he is nothing like what he portrays in the octagon.
On another note. Did anyone see that first fight? Holy crap, that was the worst cut I've ever seen. I've seen battle wounds that were prettier than that! I couldn't believe the doc let it go to the second round. I thought they stopped the fight if the fighter has exposed skull!
Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking...I know I've seen event fights stopped for much less than that. Man, that cut was downright disgusting. The good thing to come of it...the guy will work on his take-down defense in the future.
OK.... so I finally watched the Kimbo vs Roy fight and I have to say that I was actually pretty impressed with the amount of improvement Kimbo showed. His striking is much more precise, his take down defense was actually pretty impressive, and had he not had Jaba The Hut laying on top of him he would have easily thrown his opponent off from on top of him. I think he's going to greatly improve over the course of this show. The amount of humility that he has shown so far has me cheering for him.
As for Roy, I hope someone knocks that fat, arrogant ***'s head off.
Thank you Clearlysuspect ........ its about time someone saw what i saw ........ and it was great when arlovski lambasted roy, to bad arlovski is pretty much finished
Wait. Since when am I not allowed to curse. Not that it bothers me, it's just I don't recall seeing any of my other posts censored. Actually, that's awesome. I've never been censored before! LOL
Personally I am a HUGE UFC fan.
I have watched them all from the first Hoyce Gracie win in UFC 1 to last weeks Franklin fight.
I'm not necessarily a fan of Kimbo Slice, but I do give the guy some credit where it's due. He's not a trained MMA fighter, he's a street brawler, so naturally he's going to be out of his element with someone like Big Country who is a much more experienced, trained MMA fighter. In my eyes, the fact that Kimbo gave an honest effort to learn some technique and improve himself is something he deserves a bit of respect for.
On that note, I was terribly unimpressed with Big Country. Sure he beat Kimbo and pretty well dominated him, but he looked seriously weak in the fight. The crucifix position was good, but the blows he was landing didn't impress me much as fight ending blows. And then the way he acted after the fight was another knock against him, he carried on like he'd just won a big fight in a decisive manner, which I don't think he did one bit.
I guess what it comes down to is, whether you like Kimbo or not, whether you feel he's for real or just a gimmick, I've got more respect for the guy now than I did before. On that same note, I have a lot less respect for Rampage than before watching him on TUF. My opinions, take them for what they are.
I have to agree on every point here. I was never a Kimbo fan, but he got points for 1.) Being fluent in the english language. 2.) Not being a dooshbag after losing. 3.) Wanting to learn and 4.) Humble as pie.
While his loss to Roy (the cheeseburger) was based on no ground game, he did look like he was learning the ground game in practice. So I think with that loss and him coming back to compete on the show, will not only increase his drive to win and practice harder but because Rampage (a lil' baby when it comes to chat) wants to tutor him, may give him a much better 2nd chance! Besides The Cheesburger's punches were about as hard as a - well - cheeseburger! You did hear him ranting before the fight that that was his exact game plan to defeat Kimbo... raining unanswered marshmallow puff punhes that couldn't be returned or defended. Lame.
Alright, so after watching the latest show, I've come to the personal opinion that Rampage is absolute garbage as a coach. Before the fight, during the fight, and after the fight, Rashad epitimized everything that a coach should be and do while Rampage, well, was the exact opposite. Before the fight, Rashad was giving Brendon everything he needed: pep talks, game strategy, confidence. I thought Rampage and his team were about to light up a.... well, not a cigar. They all looked stoned in their little prep room. They were just kicked back and relaxed. I do agree with Rampage that they're trying to alter to much and get these rookies to do to much, but Rashad recognized that in practice, long before the fight. After they fight, Rampage ought to have been embarrassed that Rashad and his team were in the ring doing his job for him.
I've said all this to finally say, I still like Rampage. I think he's one of the funniest people in the business. He should just never coach again.
Iam in 100% complete aggreance with you ..... Rampage is a horrible coach .... but it extends beyond him ..... even his assistant coaches didnt do anything ...... it was tottaly rediculous and iam honestly glad that Rampage wont be returning to the UFC........ he can bomb at beiing Mr.T in the A-team movie and he thinks he is gonna be a permanent hollywood A-lister ..... wrong ..... he'll end up back in UFC but i hope not
Iam in 100% complete aggreance with you ..... Rampage is a horrible coach .... but it extends beyond him ..... even his assistant coaches didnt do anything ...... it was tottaly rediculous and iam honestly glad that Rampage wont be returning to the UFC........ he can bomb at beiing Mr.T in the A-team movie and he thinks he is gonna be a permanent hollywood A-lister ..... wrong ..... he'll end up back in UFC but i hope not
Yeah... He is whack as a judge. Maybe he should do stand-up comedy hahahah... Is the Mr. T thing finalized? He IS going to play him? He wants to be the next "The Rock"... I actually like the Rock as an actor btw. He is the most successful fighter turned actor... And he can be mad funny too.. Look him in Be Cool...
I just watched an episode of CSI (Las Vegas) and they had a guy in for questioning on a murder. He explains that they tried to beat my ass, little did they know I was an ultimate fighter. (He put the 2 guys in the hospital). lol
I just watched an episode of CSI (Las Vegas) and they had a guy in for questioning on a murder. He explains that they tried to beat my ass, little did they know I was an ultimate fighter. (He put the 2 guys in the hospital). lol
Haahah... Yeah.. It's funny - you can almost not tell in the lighter divisions. And ultimate fighters are damn skilled fighters. My buddy (who fights) was jogging down the street when a car drove buy and some hot-ass high school jocks were all shouting at him and being ****. Well, he run right towards the car and kick their side door so hard that it got indented inwards haahhaha. The jocks were scared shitless haahahah... My other favorite story with him is when I went to his gym (more like Luke Cummo's gym whom I like cause he drinks his own urine) and part of the training was the guys just getting directly hit in their legs. They just stood there and got kicked one after the other. I remember (since it was my first time) I was like - ok Ima wear a mat and when my friend kicked me I literally flew 3 feet to the side haahahhh... I was like - daamn... Anyway.. enough.
Update on this. Apparently Rampage Jackson is coming out of retirement and back to the UFC. Either he realized that he can't act, or he saw that he acted like a *** while on TUF. Either way hopefully now we can get the Rashad/Rampage fight.
Kimbo's fight last night showed him improving his MMA skills, beating Houston Alexander. Houston is no slouch, and was totally dominated by a "backyard brawler" who has the ability to learn, improve, and become a more rounded fighter. You can say whatever you want about him, but he has heart like a true MMA fighter should. I got a lotta respect for him last night.
On that note, I was terribly unimpressed with Big Country. Sure he beat Kimbo and pretty well dominated him, but he looked seriously weak in the fight. The crucifix position was good, but the blows he was landing didn't impress me much as fight ending blows. And then the way he acted after the fight was another knock against him, he carried on like he'd just won a big fight in a decisive manner, which I don't think he did one bit.
I guess what it comes down to is, whether you like Kimbo or not, whether you feel he's for real or just a gimmick, I've got more respect for the guy now than I did before. On that same note, I have a lot less respect for Rampage than before watching him on TUF. My opinions, take them for what they are.
I KNOW I'd kick ass for I do NOT want poop on my shoes....
It's been awhile since I drunk posted!!!!!
Think about it... See it... Watch watch.. There's gonna be some black on black crime... haahaha
Jackson - "I knew he was tough, but I never knew he would beat up my fists with his face! Man, my fists hurt now..."
And yeah, Rampage is funny, but I don't like the way he acts on the show. He picks the biggest guys who have no real skill, he doesn't do much in the way of coaching (Rashad is way better) and he just comes off as a big A-hole.
On another note. Did anyone see that first fight? Holy crap, that was the worst cut I've ever seen. I've seen battle wounds that were prettier than that! I couldn't believe the doc let it go to the second round. I thought they stopped the fight if the fighter has exposed skull!
As for Roy, I hope someone knocks that fat, arrogant ***'s head off.
I have watched them all from the first Hoyce Gracie win in UFC 1 to last weeks Franklin fight. I have to agree on every point here. I was never a Kimbo fan, but he got points for
1.) Being fluent in the english language.
2.) Not being a dooshbag after losing.
3.) Wanting to learn and
4.) Humble as pie.
While his loss to Roy (the cheeseburger) was based on no ground game, he did look like he was learning the ground game in practice. So I think with that loss and him coming back to compete on the show, will not only increase his drive to win and practice harder but because Rampage (a lil' baby when it comes to chat) wants to tutor him, may give him a much better 2nd chance! Besides The Cheesburger's punches were about as hard as a - well - cheeseburger! You did hear him ranting before the fight that that was his exact game plan to defeat Kimbo... raining unanswered marshmallow puff punhes that couldn't be returned or defended. Lame.
I've said all this to finally say, I still like Rampage. I think he's one of the funniest people in the business. He should just never coach again.