La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte Soloman(?)

IMHO...The older this brand gets, in any size, the more I like them. Lights well, great draw and lots of smoke. Now I don't know from different colored trees but I know what I like. How do I say this....mild flavors with a full body, no air cigar here, ...does that make sense..? No bite on the first draw and I do not miss that at all. The 4th or 5th draw (I smoke fast, got to get over that) and the flavors really start to open up. If it is a failure further on I will be back to add to this post.

No failure----just a good cigar.

No failure----just a good cigar.
I had to go back and look. I got that cigar from allsmokedup on 2-17 in an "Ancient Warrior" and traveling companions flat rate and I have no idea how long the gentleman had it. I smoked and posted about another and different one, from CCom, recently and I know that one had been in my possession less the a month, it showed a great deal of promise and was good as it was. With time they just seem to get better and better.
I guess with that bit of information I will take my sampler box and hide it under the towels and linens for about 6 months. Getting ready to fire up the old soldier in the next couple of days.
Anyone who has not clicked on this man's link your missing some amazing stuff.
I filled a balloon with water once, and that is about as I am gonna get.
How long do those things last.
My apologies, I did not mean to imply "strong" or "mild" about either...what I like about both is that both are full bodied smokes without any harshness and they don't overpower in any sense (IMHO) and that makes the full flavors much more enjoyable. The Ancient Warrior I smoked, a full 2 years aged, was a real surprise and was "milder" (wish I knew a better descriptive) and took forever to smoke. I have had mild that were the same as sucking air and strong that were beyond smoke-ability. They had no redeeming fullness of flavor and I don't buy them. Am I making any sense..?
On the other end of the scale I had a L'Atelier El Suelo yesterday evening that was full+, but it tasted like asphault. I tossed it in 10 min and lit up a Fonseca but that tasted like that too. It wrecked my palate completely.