dont have distilled water
Hey first time post here...
I'm deployed in Afghanistan and we got our first humidor coming in the mail to us. however we don't have any distilled water to season it with. we do however have both saline soluition (IV bags) and bottled water. which would be better to use, i know both are far from ideal but due to our situation what would you consider using?
I'm deployed in Afghanistan and we got our first humidor coming in the mail to us. however we don't have any distilled water to season it with. we do however have both saline soluition (IV bags) and bottled water. which would be better to use, i know both are far from ideal but due to our situation what would you consider using?
p.s. - stop by the newbie welcoming thread and do a little intro, there is also a thread for military you could check out to.
let me know how things work out for you!
I had my E&E class in my job training, and it was quite fun. We spent a week in the field, learned how to catch and prepare chicken and rabbit. We learned how to start a fire with random things, what plants to eat if you get sick, all sorts of things like that. We even got a class on how to make weapons and shelter out of nothing but sticks and other random things you can find in the middle of nowhere.