Thinking of going wireless, anybody use the xikar purl temp? Or any wireless hygrometer?
The Xikar one is pretty pricey and new. There are ones on Amazon I was looking into with a better price point, and some have a calibrate feature. I have had zero luck with these self-calibrate hygro's personally. Still looking for some input from humidor users.
Honestly, any of the older model Xikars with a calibrate function seem to be just fine. I had the puro-temp and Xikar replaced it 3 times until i finally just got a refund. none of them worked right. This so called "self calibration" is where the issues are.
I am a happy man. You have made me very grateful. For this is the very first time that the Crown Jewels have ever been adequately & deliriously praised by an unprejudiced person. Still it is the cigars' own fault that this is so for it is a cigar which excites envy & jealousy in the smoker because he knows & feels the truth of which you have said; that there is no other cigar that is just like it. There are cigars which resemble it but only in appearance, not in spirit & not in the ability to dare & do. There is no other cigar that can make a person want to go away & get by himself & think this life over & wonder if it is altogether worth while. I will send you some more when you get out. Let me know. Any man of fine intelligence who is acquainted with Crown Jewels prizes them above any other gems & saves them & hoards them. I gave Harry Rogers a box two years ago & he has them yet. Let me know when you are out.
I use those in my grow rooms, I placed them in front of a webcam, I login with TeamViewer on my phone and I can see the temperature and humidity of all 4 rooms. Got them at Walmart for twenty bucks.
I use those in my grow rooms, I placed them in front of a webcam, I login with TeamViewer on my phone and I can see the temperature and humidity of all 4 rooms. Got them at Walmart for twenty bucks.
Grow rooms? we need to talk, have rec use on the ballot and looking at a retirement gig
I use those in my grow rooms, I placed them in front of a webcam, I login with TeamViewer on my phone and I can see the temperature and humidity of all 4 rooms. Got them at Walmart for twenty bucks.
Grow rooms? we need to talk, have rec use on the ballot and looking at a retirement gig
it's on the ballot here in California too. They are saying it will generate $1 Billion in tax revenue for the state
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt
I use those in my grow rooms, I placed them in front of a webcam, I login with TeamViewer on my phone and I can see the temperature and humidity of all 4 rooms. Got them at Walmart for twenty bucks.
Grow rooms? we need to talk, have rec use on the ballot and looking at a retirement gig
It's on the ballot here in California too. They say if it passes it will generate $1 Billion in tax revenue for the state
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt
The Xikar one is pretty pricey and new. There are ones on Amazon I was looking into with a better price point, and some have a calibrate feature. I have had zero luck with these self-calibrate hygro's personally. Still looking for some input from humidor users.
My favorite cigar list here
I picked up one of these for $20.00
Got them at Walmart for twenty bucks.
What you can't will become.
Will be a good retirement gig if it passes