Arduino (or RaspberryPi) humidors?

Anyone on the forums played around with an Arduino or Pi humidor controller or anything? I have a few extra Arduinos I should be getting in the mail soon and I was thinking of tinkering with some things...
Edit: Found this -
I'd probably start with just monitoring and move on to controlling fans and auto topoff with reservoir for a larger humidor, maybe with multiple sensors on different levels, and possibly reminding to rotate. A nice LCD readout or LED graph on the outside would be sweet too?
For the larger humidor I'd probably first work it into a coolidor using a cheap cooler. Eventually I figure the project could go into v2.0 v3.0 etc and eventually over the course of a year or two it could be a full system for larger humidors that would include a heat pump as well for temp control.
What you're planning to do and expand to is right along the lines of what I was thinking. There's lots of fun little programs or functions you could add to keep track of statistics and such to analyze efficiency or different cigar-storage phenomena.
If my poweredge 1855 chassis and 10 servers weren't so heavy I'd bomb it on you this week...
EDIT: Actually you're in chula vista.... I might end up driving down some time and dropping it secretly on your porch haha
Very cool. I just set up a new coolidor and have been contemplating a couple wireless hygrometers. My IT side has been leaning towards a Pi solution, but this adds a whole new twist. Keep us updated on your progress. Relatively new to the wireless networking space, so may need some advice on which equipment/power source to use. Thanks
My favorite cigar list here
No need to bomb me anything but that thumb drive does pique my interest. :-)
This Instructable may help me later with setting up Blynk
"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White