Yup, that's the old version; the little round label says Aged 12 Years on yours - on mine it still has a 12, but also says something about a blend of 12 rums (guessing). It's kind of misleading.
I'm a rookie when it comes to rum... some of the hard cores around here would know better when they changed it.
I noticed the change as well, about 6 months ago, but not exactly sure when it occurred (am a hardcore I guess, but not THAT much of a hardcore-lol). I try to only buy liquor that shows the age (where appropriate), so was disappointed that the Zaya changed the labeling-I did enjoy it. That labeling is definitely misleading in my opinion. I took a flyer on the Kirk and Sweeney and would recommend it as a nice lower priced rum (the 12 year). Yesterday was the first time I have seen the 23 year....will definitely be picking some of that up down the road!
I'm a rookie when it comes to rum... some of the hard cores around here would know better when they changed it.