I need another humidor

I am only 5 months into the wonderful world of cigars, but I think I need more storage for my cigars already. I have a 75 count humidor, it is about full and even though I don't have a lot of time to smoke I always want to buy more cigars. So here is my question, do I buy a larger humidor to upgrade or a smaller one just to handle the overflow?
looks like you have caught the bug my friend!! its a slippery slope so prepare for it!
1. Plastic Smell
2. Don't absorb or release Rh... so if it's airtight your basically gonna see your Rh go up and uP and UP!
Other than that, it works and I've used it for many months no problems, I just took a hot glue gun and lined the sides of it with Cedar... BOOYA!
I found that deal on amazon.com the other day... it was by far the best deal I saw too.... I'm gonna hunt around town, but I may end up going with this one.
Anyone have this model?
Just a thought.
2: Use something that levels out at a certain RH, like beads or a Cigar Oasis.