Smoking in the car?

This weekend my good friend and I went on a road trip and smoked the ever-living-$hit out of my car. I think we smoked 6 or 7 cigars in my little Civic. It smells a bit like something died in there - any suggestions on how you can the cigar smell out of the car? I have a basic car air freshener in there that is helping, but I'm sure there are better alternatives. Suggestions?
also, when smoking, turn on the vents at your feet only and have your window down a crack no matter what. this will force the air out instead of around your car.
beyond that, keep your car clean. make sure to take the time to detail it at least once every 6 months.
that should take care of all of the odor.
id like to give a big +1 to ozium. that stuff is fantastic. itll knock out just about any odor.
Kuzi did you finally get your new car ? If so what did ya get...
I hear ya ...