Massive Gurkha Deal

For those of you Gurkha nuts that were a little put out by a special my competitors did that was not honored, I thought CCOM would pick up the ball with a special offer. Believe me, NONE of our competitors can touch this deal. Pick from about 20 gurkhas for less than $3 a stick.
From the guy who brought attention to the "other guys" on your site, does that bar me from this deal....? Lol I hope not - but either way, I bow down to your greatness. In all seriousness, Ccom offering this deal is amazing, and....well hell I'm just at a loss for words. Customer for life here.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
And yes a few hours after you place your order we will be phoning you to tell you we cant honor it at this price
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
on that list there are 4 gurkhas that i wanted to try.
my order would have been a double of the all of the following: Legend perfecto, each of the micro batches, and the royal brigade.
"Long ashes my friends."
Nevermind I see the thread over in Cig 101. I may get in on this if I can. Anyone know when it's stopping?
Now THAT is funny, I may just phone in all my orders just for all the Yuck Yucks!
1 x Gurkha Black Dragon, Robusto, Maduro
1 x Gurkha Micro-Batch, C-10 Churchill, Connecticut
1 x Gurkha Micro-Batch, TPB-1 Box-Pressed Lancero, Habano
1 x Gurkha Micro-Batch, VH-7 BP Toro, Habano
2 x Gurkha Regent, Toro, Habano
2 x Gurkha Royal Brigade, Belicoso No. 3, Habano
2 x Gurkha Legend, Perfecto, Maduro