How can you legally punch someone you love?

Here's my day
8am - At one Best Buy for a Holiday Prep Walk
9:30am - At District Office for more meetings and Recap of Holiday Planning
11:30am - Lunch!
12:30-3pm - More Meetings
5pm - Dinner with girlfriend (I picked her up)
6pm - Girlfriend calls to say she left her Clipboard in my truck..... AND SHE NEEDS IT NOW!
6pm - Drive to her work and drop off Clipboard
6:01pm - Pull away from her work and notice a rough ride.... Park, put in PARK... Put in DRIVE... Still rough ride..
6:03pm - Realize I just got a flat
6:25pm - Realize that my tiny jack for my big Tahoe won't work
6:30pm - Go to local shop and BORROW a jack
6:45pm - Get truck up and start to take off and put on spare tire with tiny ass wrench (again too small for my truck) ALL while my girlfriend is outside with me asking me if I'm mad at her.... (I say nothing)
7:25pm - I'm home and writing this with TWO 16oz. Miller Lite's and a La Aroma De Cuba Edicion Especial....
It's technically not her fault, but if she wouldn't have made me DRIVE all the way to take her out to lunch AND if she wouldn't have forgotten her Friggin' Clipboard, I'd be on my SECOND SMOKE, not my first!
p.s. the cigar is actaully pretty good though....
8am - At one Best Buy for a Holiday Prep Walk
9:30am - At District Office for more meetings and Recap of Holiday Planning
11:30am - Lunch!
12:30-3pm - More Meetings
5pm - Dinner with girlfriend (I picked her up)
6pm - Girlfriend calls to say she left her Clipboard in my truck..... AND SHE NEEDS IT NOW!
6pm - Drive to her work and drop off Clipboard
6:01pm - Pull away from her work and notice a rough ride.... Park, put in PARK... Put in DRIVE... Still rough ride..
6:03pm - Realize I just got a flat
6:25pm - Realize that my tiny jack for my big Tahoe won't work
6:30pm - Go to local shop and BORROW a jack
6:45pm - Get truck up and start to take off and put on spare tire with tiny ass wrench (again too small for my truck) ALL while my girlfriend is outside with me asking me if I'm mad at her.... (I say nothing)
7:25pm - I'm home and writing this with TWO 16oz. Miller Lite's and a La Aroma De Cuba Edicion Especial....
It's technically not her fault, but if she wouldn't have made me DRIVE all the way to take her out to lunch AND if she wouldn't have forgotten her Friggin' Clipboard, I'd be on my SECOND SMOKE, not my first!
p.s. the cigar is actaully pretty good though....
Then give you a BJ while you smoke them.
honestly, violence doesn't work nearly as well as mental manipulation, I tend to use the silent treatment to drive a point home.
1. Marry her. You can't get in trouble for punching things you own.
2. Right after sex, punch her in the stomach and yell "BABY CHECK!"