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Holy freakin Shizza

denniskingdennisking Posts: 3,703 ✭✭✭
I've never had a singular person bomb me like this. Jim, I can't even express how grateful I am. The most amazing bomb ever


  • gio164gio164 Posts: 180
    Great hit! WOW!!
  • rsherman24rsherman24 Posts: 7,084 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Very Nice Shizz. I have been waiting to see this one land. And some sock porn
  • Darktower007Darktower007 Posts: 2,580 ✭✭✭✭
    Well, I guess we can call it the lower 47...Oregon just got blown off the map!
  • Puff_DougiePuff_Dougie Posts: 4,599 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Who does this???

    Oh, yeah... Jim does!!

    Simply amazing! Great hit, sir!
    "When I have found intense pain relieved, a weary brain soothed, and calm, refreshing sleep obtained by a cigar, I have felt grateful to God, and have blessed His name." - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
  • jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jim.....have you ever posted a pic of your yacht..? You know, your floating humidor.
  • bert873bert873 Posts: 2,561 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wow! Jim's hits never cease to amaze me. Well done!
  • denniskingdennisking Posts: 3,703 ✭✭✭
    Jim.....have you ever posted a pic of your yacht..? You know, your floating humidor.
  • jgibvjgibv Posts: 9,244 ✭✭✭✭✭
    holy freakin shizza indeed!!!
    wow, top notch as always jim.

    great stuff, enjoy dennis. glad to see i wasn't the only one to get picked on by shizza yesterday.

    * I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *

  • ckrddsmkeckrddsmke Posts: 392
    JD I've been sworn to secrecy but


    Nice as always Jim.
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