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Grass Paving systems

Does anyone have any experience with these systems.
My neighbor and I live on a "flag lot" and the end of a shared driveway. We both have teenage drivers, so the # of cars is starting to increase. I am thinking about using a grass paver system in some grass areas next to the various driveways. Want to be able to park, but still have it be grass.
Lots of info on the net, but thought I'd ask and see if anyone here has first-hand experience.

Thanks folks.


  • honorknight7honorknight7 Posts: 523
    I've put down a few a couple of years ago here in Reno, and earlier in Sacramento, they are pretty simple really, paver blocks with holes in the middle (most common type here, though you can have solid ones that grass grows between instead of inside and between) for the grass to grow, we set em up with Fescue grass seed, works well here in the high desert, the main thing was to make sure the "soil" in each hole & around was 2" down, that way the grass could have "breathing" room to grow from the car tires on them all the time, a lot of people fill up the paver's (the space inside them/between them) to the level of the paver/yard and wonder why the grass "that starts at the top of the paver" dies, is a little more tricky keeping it cut nice though as you will use a weed-eater instead of a mower most likely to cut it at the top of the paver height so it doesn't grow higher then the rest of the lawn because a mower will only go so low, when all done the original lawn, the top edge of the paver's, and the grass inside/around the paver's should all be a uniform level height, so your lawn looks a little checkered where the paver's are.
    Just remember when laying it out make sure to get a good calculation of the area and get a few extra for replacements down the road, nothing worse then having to replace one or two next year and there not around anymore, Also where ever you decide to purchase them, they should be able to set you up with a good materials estimate based on the measurements/design you come up with and a "how to" on the proper way to install for your areas landscape/drainage/ground type etc etc etc.
    Hope that helps.
  • jgibvjgibv Posts: 9,245 ✭✭✭✭✭
    .... the main thing was to make sure the "soil" in each hole & around was 2" down, that way the grass could have "breathing" room to grow from the car tires on them all the time, a lot of people fill up the paver's (the space inside them/between them) to the level of the paver/yard and wonder why the grass "that starts at the top of the paver" dies,......

    I've seen a number of them installed incorrectly around here, soil filled to the very top and the grass never grows in the "tire tracks"......

    * I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *

  • thanks for the info, guys. Good Stuff
  • Cigar-759973Cigar-759973 Posts: 1
    Thanks for the information..
  • webmostwebmost Posts: 7,713 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Tried a half dozen here but everything sinks in the silty mush. They're under lawn level now.  So I guess you need hard ground.

    “It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)

  • silvermousesilvermouse Posts: 21,567 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I installed some in our shop parking lot. 2' x2' x 1" interlocking black plastic tiles. I have to re-seed every fall after the busy summer but they do keep the suvs and trucks from making ruts. And the lawn does look pretty good for a few weeks in May.
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