Heartfelt beads take away the cedar smell

in Cigar 101
Just curious if you all experience the same thing with your beads? My humi keeps a constant 65-70% humidity and with that I am pleased but I recently reseasoned my humidor with a cup o distilled water after a hiatus from smoking. After three days of seasoning the beautiful smell of moist cedar jumped out of the box every time I opened it. Now I've replaced the cup of water with beads for a few weeks and the smell is more of a musty damp smell. I don't know if this has and effect on my sticks but I wish I always got that cedar smell. I'm considering a change to the way I maintain humidity and hope to get some feedback from the group.
Are you one of the BOTLs who moisten your beads? I never do - I let them work the way they were designed to work and mine are still pristine after a number of years of regular use. The beads aren't intended to function as a humidifier. Just sayin'......
These are the same kind of beads used by museums to maintain proper humidity for paintings and other antiquities where necessary. So ask yourself a question - can you see a museum keeping a guy on the payroll simply to go around spritzing containers of beads? I don't think so....
But hey, to each his own, right? You keep wetting your smelly discolored beads and I'll keep my dry, pristine ones and we'll both be happy. It's a win-win as I see it.....
That's what I did in the winter, set shot glass in each humi. In the summer they hold pretty good.
I just got my cooler, have 10 empty cigar boxes being shipped from the devil site, and was about to order the heartfelts until I saw this thread today... I LOVE the cedar smell and don't want that to disappear, can I hear comments on this and the slimeyness from people who have both sprayed and charged with cup of distilled over long periods?
I was originally planning on doing a combination of 70% beads and a bunch of 69% bovedas so it should essentially keep it within 1% and my boveda's would always be charged with just some spritzing of the beads on occasion.
Now I am starting to think of maybe going with 65% beads and 69% boveda's so it'd keep the beads peaked and saturated all the time holding humidity extremely well for when I opened the cooler a lot or between season changes, and then just recharging the boveda's as needed?
I've already got a lot of the boveda's in 69%, but figured the more i had the better it'd keep the humidity, I want to keep that amazing cedar smell and I definitely want to keep the good tastes as I plan to age in the cooler as well.