I thought it was a great smoke. Personally, I got very little spice but a whole lot of toasty, chocolaty flavor. Everyone's palate is a bit different, but good is good. I'd probably buy a box.
East Side 2015 KLMOW Badge 8/2014 Team Trident 2014
Now for the contrary opinion... I've had the F55 and wasn't really impressed. I don't remember thinking it was bad, just nothing special, same with their M356. But that's me.
So far my best experience with cigars, as a new guy, has been with the Aging Room F22 Quattro. It had a little spice, but it was also really smooth. Had a kind of creaminess and the smoke output was just perfect. Really enjoyed it and hope to get more.
This cigar has a bit of a kick. Wonderful rich aroma. Smoooooth. I rarely find a cigar that is great. This is a winner in my young cigar storied career.
Now for the contrary opinion... I've had the F55 and wasn't really impressed. I don't remember thinking it was bad, just nothing special, same with their M356. But that's me.
Same here. I thought it was good, but nothing exciting. Was expecting more out of it.
KLMOW Badge 8/2014
Team Trident 2014
Same here. I thought it was good, but nothing exciting. Was expecting more out of it.
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