a Q? to all Seasoned aficionado about beetles
I hear a lot of talk about this cigar beetle that is found from time to time in some sticks or inside our humidors. As a Chef and dealing with the storing of many different types of Grain/ flour, could it be that the larval of this cigar beetle is in bedded in the tobacco Leaf before harvesting?. and is dormant until the temperature in out humidors reach over the 70+ range for a period of time that causes them to hatch?
This is a common thing when storing grains if not in a cool dry well ventilated space and that space reaches temps 75 to 80 plus that the eggs of the "Saw tooth weevil" a common grain bug that shows up from time to time.
I am just asking to get your thoughts on bugs

Can't beetle em, smoke em
As far as vacuum fumigation in the industry goes, I don't know exactly what that means but it sounds like something I don't want them doing to my cigars. Freezing? I've heard that that's common. But from what I can tell they (the manufacturers) don't come right out and tell you exactly what they are doing about the beetles. I don't see any bug-free guarantees. (That should tell you they can't totally eradicate them with great certainty.) And I'm sure they are not all taking the same precautions. So once you throw your sticks in from all your different sources, they all share the same risk. Freezing takes the guesswork out of it. Also wine fridges work well by keeping the temps down low enough to keep beetles larvae and eggs dead or at least dormant.
some take more care than others.