Sticking with what I like/The must buy new releases

Lately I've only been smoking cigar brands that I enjoy, give or take 4-5 brands, not including CCs. Every now and then I'll fire up a random cigar like a new release that I've never had just to try it out. Half the time I say to myself "meh, why did I even bother" It's just not worth the time and money anymore to experiment on a cigar that I may or may not like . I'm at the point where I think I'll just smoke what I know I'll like.
Here are my Q's;
Anyone else at that point yet?
Is there a new realease that totally blew your mind? Not just "it was pretty good" or "this one is worth giving a try".
Here are my Q's;
Anyone else at that point yet?
Is there a new realease that totally blew your mind? Not just "it was pretty good" or "this one is worth giving a try".
"It's plume, bro. Nothing to worry about. Got any Opus?" The suppose to be DZR
Crowned Heads Las Calaveras totally blew my mind.
To each their own but this has enhanced my hobby experience.
2015 Gang War - East Coast
Enola Gay - Target #29
Also, when the Crowned Heads release of Jericho Hill comes out at the end of the month, do yourself a favor and buy a box.
Always looking for the next blow my mind new release cigar. Las Calaveras was it for me.
Love trying the new stuff, but when I need a "fail me not" cigar, I'm right back to the same ol, same ol. I generally know what I like, but it's nice to be surprised every once in a while.
but I'm always hunting that oily strong spice bomb. On that path I come across some great cigars I take notes on so I won't forget. (you guys) has really ramped up my cigar passion in which my wife says I've got a cigar fetish...Ha!!
My favorite cigar list here
Being away for a couple years I can totally relate to being overwhelmed by all the new sticks. Before I moved back to NY I went to a Tat event at the local B&M (really miss having one real close and not having to pay obscene tobacco taxes btw) and got a custom sampler and the owner gave me a smoking deal. Still confusing though because they do have tons of stuff and a lot of them look similar too. The Black is probably my favorite though and never had any of the Monster stuff.
Have only had the Undercrown by LP and really want to try the other stuff but like you said they're tough to find and pretty expensive too. Heard good things about the Papas Fritas and may end up trying them at some point. Did have someone a couple years ago who was going to send me a few different LP sticks to try for helping them out with something but that never happened so figured I'll get to them at some point. Just enjoying getting back into the mix and stocking up the Wineador with stuff I know I like for now and then see what the future holds.
2015 Gang War - East Coast
Enola Gay - Target #29
I only buy boxes or 10 packs of those cigars I know I like.
Or possibly will hit a 5 or 10 pack of new releases that are on a deal.
I do miss out on some "limited" releases, but I'm fine with that.
I don't get too concerned about not being able to get certain cigars, as there are plenty other really good cigars available in good supply.
But what it amounts to is doing what makes you feel comfortable.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Latley I am very careful what I buy and you can see them in "what did you get today" section. I smoke 60% custom made cigars and 40% commercial brands. Once you get familiar with cigar industry you can see what is going on in the industry. It is sickening sometime. This is how Nicaragua is struggling to age tobaccos. However, manufacturer like Padron never joined this trend- as a result, they always produce consistent and good quality cigars buy still lot of them are overpriced. The reason they do not release new line every year because it is not easy to come up with a complete new taste. At least they are honest so I do not mind if they charge me little extra.
Same is going on with the Cuban cigar industry. Every year new exclusive releases without new value. I also limited myself to CC. It is sad what is going on. Public buy marketing jab that's why the trend will continue. However, I have no problem what others do but I will remain selective with few brands.
Two new brands blew my mind- DPG 10th Anniversary and Joya de Nicaragua Cuarto Cinco. I ended up buying boxes and boxes because they are phenomenal smoke and get released once in a blue moon. The other cigar did not blew my mind but I really enjoy are - Paul Stulac Midnight Fire, AJ's Mayimbe. AJ is changing his strategy and planed to released more and more limited once time releases to maintain the quality. I hope to see Pepin to follow the same trend soon. Lately, I do not buy new Davidoff because they all taste the same and they release couple new lines every year. I like Davidoff buy stick with few I really smoked before and careful when I buy a new one with knowing from the insider that they are all about expansion.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
sometimes i begin to feel that im too picky. then i remember that this is a luxury product that i am spending my money on. it better be something i enjoy.