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Sticking with what I like/The must buy new releases

danielzreyesdanielzreyes Posts: 8,771 ✭✭✭✭✭
Lately I've only been smoking cigar brands that I enjoy, give or take 4-5 brands, not including CCs. Every now and then I'll fire up a random cigar like a new release that I've never had just to try it out. Half the time I say to myself "meh, why did I even bother" It's just not worth the time and money anymore to experiment on a cigar that I may or may not like . I'm at the point where I think I'll just smoke what I know I'll like.

Here are my Q's;
Anyone else at that point yet?
Is there a new realease that totally blew your mind? Not just "it was pretty good" or "this one is worth giving a try".
"It's plume, bro. Nothing to worry about. Got any Opus?" The suppose to be DZR


  • brianetz1brianetz1 Posts: 4,134 ✭✭✭
    i like the new releases at least once or twice a week and my other cigars something i know i will like.

    Crowned Heads Las Calaveras totally blew my mind.
  • jliujliu Posts: 7,735 ✭✭✭✭
    Just stick to cc. Problem solved
  • SleevePlzSleevePlz Posts: 6,249 ✭✭✭✭
    Just stick to cc. Problem solved
    And never have another Cameroon wrapped cigar.......can't do it. I hear ya, Daniel. I don't smoke all that often, so when I do I want to have something I know I will like. I find myself adventuring out of my comfort zone less and less.
    LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
  • bandyt09bandyt09 Posts: 4,335 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I purged my stock quite awhile ago to only what I enjoy smoking and haven't been happier. Not only is it, that on the rare chance I get to smoke I know I will enjoy the occasion but I also got to send about 100 - 150 cigars to the troops. On the rare occasion I want to try something new I will put up an ISO and trade for it or will pick one up at a B&M while we are herfing there.

    To each their own but this has enhanced my hobby experience.
  • jimmyv723jimmyv723 Posts: 1,858 ✭✭✭
    For me having just gotten back into cigars I've definitely been ordering stuff I know I like. With being away from cigars for a couple years there are so many new ones that have come out it can definitely be overwhelming. For now sticking with stuff like the Undercrowns and My Father stuff along with others I've had and really liked.
    Ken Light 3K MOW Badge - 8/14
    2015 Gang War - East Coast
    Enola Gay - Target #29
  • CharlieHeisCharlieHeis Posts: 8,713 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Since I am relatively new to cigars, I still like trying new stuff. But there are times when I want to try something new, and times when I want something I know I like. In recent weeks I'd estimate the times that I want something I know I like at 80% or higher. Especially if I only have time for one stick, I really want one that's tried and true.
  • Lee.mcglynnLee.mcglynn Posts: 5,960 ✭✭✭✭
    I've been at this point for a bit now...but yeah I feel ya DZR! Between padron,cc's and viaje I can't justify shying away on most stuff. But every now and again you do stumble across a diamond but for something new I thought was great...I'd have to say viaje leaded!! So far cigar of the year for me on new releases
    Money can't buy taste
  • perkinkeperkinke Posts: 1,572 ✭✭✭
    I may be odd, but I find very few sticks that I truly don't like and feel like I've wasted my time smoking. I find some every now and then that I won't go out of my way to look for, but one of the things I enjoy about this hobby is all the new stuff that keeps popping up because then I'm never out of options.
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Posts: 15,659 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm not quite there yet....obviously when Summer hits and the weather is nice, it's GO time! I like the new Las Calaveras and Luchadores, 1502 cigars, Senorial, but underwhelmed by the Antiquedad. But, to take a break, I go to my standards... MOW, DPG Blue, El Centurian. The hunt is what's fun, always on the look out for aged NC's somebody is getting rid of because they've turned to CC's.
  • heels0303heels0303 Posts: 53
    I have a regular rotation, but I try to work in new stuff. Basically anything that Pete Johnson, Crowned Heads, Padron and AVO puts out is a winner. As far as new stuff that is worth every penny, the Padron TAA Belicoso's are excellent, Tatuaje Black Label CG's (fairly new) are one of the top 5 best cigars I've ever smoked, Crowned Heads LC is great, My Father La Antiguedad is the best cigar they have put out in my opinion, and then also the AVO TAA 2nd Movement is great.

    Also, when the Crowned Heads release of Jericho Hill comes out at the end of the month, do yourself a favor and buy a box.
  • jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Read your post and had an epiphany, non-religious of course (I think). I have been kinda sorta going in that direction for the past two months and have even been to the "devil's" site (sorry CCom I kept missing them on Sprint) and bought 6 small mahogany humidors at $6 that normally go for $34 to $42 each. It was an almost unconscious act (Firebob-silence) and I started putting different brands in their own box. Of course all of the 5 Vegas Gold is in the large 5 Vegas humidor (Sprint), Which by the way is the best humidor I have ever had. Probably will get two more small humidors to finish up. The glass top mahogany humidor I still use for the occasional sampler and the very generous bombs from the folks on CCom. After all, I still want to try them all at least once.
  • ehehatehehat Posts: 1,536 ✭✭✭
    I'm mostly in the same boat. I don't go out looking to try new brands as they're mostly over spiced kicks to the nads, no nuance at all. But if I hear of one from someone I feel has a similar palate I'll try it. Regius is a perfect example. It was recommended so I tried it, now,it's probably my #1 smoke. Just amazing. The viaje friends and family Jim turned me onto is another. Too bad they're so hard to find.
  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    To be honest, I like branching out and trying new blends constantly. However, I have noticed that I tend to take a liking to a lot of blends from the same companies/blenders like AJ, DPG, Kelner (and Kelner Jr.), Christian Eiroa, and the Quesada family.
  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Posts: 2,652 ✭✭✭✭
    Usually after supper or on weekends I will try new cigars. Morning and after work are set for my favorites, it's business no time for **** around. COTMC selections, or ones I buy, I read the little description but really don't know what to expect. I prefer to smoke a couple to really see if I like them though. But never light up thinking or expecting anything I guess, still a newb. Sometimes I like the start more than the finish but it is new territory maybe I'm smoking too fast or slow. The only ones i have been really looking forward to are the LFD Jim bombed me with and the Limitada 2014 (got a box) because AJ was involved, haven't tried either yet. Haven't really smoked one I really didn't like yet. I'm odd too
  • ddubridgeddubridge Posts: 3,978 ✭✭✭
    i like the new releases at least once or twice a week and my other cigars something i know i will like.

    Crowned Heads Las Calaveras totally blew my mind.

    Always looking for the next blow my mind new release cigar. Las Calaveras was it for me.
    Love trying the new stuff, but when I need a "fail me not" cigar, I'm right back to the same ol, same ol. I generally know what I like, but it's nice to be surprised every once in a while.
  • CigaryCigary Posts: 630
    We've all been down this road where we've developed a working knowledge of those cigars we know we like but sometimes those marketing guys get our attention of the latest and greatest...so we try them. I value a lot of the people who take the time to review cigars....not the ones who are paid or given the cigar but those who have no vested interest in what they try. They are more honest and open because they don't have to schil for somebody who keeps giving them FREE CIGARS. I read a lot about 'new brands' before I purchase them....if I read a lot of solid reviews and it's a profile I'm already liking...I don't mind trying something new.
  • Darktower007Darktower007 Posts: 2,580 ✭✭✭✭
    I'm always hunting for the unicorn. When I first started cigars I would buy sampler after sampler from Thompson.8/10 were crap and a few good ones. Now I'll try a stick with a 5vr or get high grossed at my B&M to see if I like it or not.
    but I'm always hunting that oily strong spice bomb. On that path I come across some great cigars I take notes on so I won't forget. Cigar.com (you guys) has really ramped up my cigar passion in which my wife says I've got a cigar fetish...Ha!!
  • rsherman24rsherman24 Posts: 7,448 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Heading to that point fast. My cigar buying has decreased significantly as far as variety. I stock up on staples that I like, and try some of the new releases from makers I like (love the Crowned Heads new releases). I burn through some when I am golfing or messing with the garden, but when I get to sit down at night an enjoy a smoke, it is usually something I know I will like.
  • danielzreyesdanielzreyes Posts: 8,771 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm mostly in the same boat. I don't go out looking to try new brands as they're mostly over spiced kicks to the nads, no nuance at all. But if I hear of one from someone I feel has a similar palate I'll try it. Regius is a perfect example. It was recommended so I tried it, now,it's probably my #1 smoke. Just amazing. The viaje friends and family Jim turned me onto is another. Too bad they're so hard to find.
    So many new cigars coming out but I just can't keep up with them. The Regius though, is something I've been wanting to try. I've heard nothing but good things about it. Thanks again for the stick E. Gotta fire it up soon.
    "It's plume, bro. Nothing to worry about. Got any Opus?" The suppose to be DZR
  • danielzreyesdanielzreyes Posts: 8,771 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just stick to cc. Problem solved
    I just might dude.
    "It's plume, bro. Nothing to worry about. Got any Opus?" The suppose to be DZR
  • jsnakejsnake Posts: 5,979 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I like Viaje. Hard to find but I can find them. I want to love Tatuaje and Liga Privada but I just don't know what is what and can never find them. Regular LP used to be $7 to $8 a stick here and now is $18 and up which IMO is ridiculous and not worth it. I love all Viaje. I have never had a bad one and I want more. I know it will be a good cigar. I do want to try new things as long as it is not from Rocky Patel or General Cigar with the exception of anything LGC. I want to hunt down a stick of every Tat Monster original and Little Monsters. I even planned on buying Pudgy Monsters but bam here comes a new Viaje. There are a bunch of cigars I do enjoy with regular production and good prices but Viaje is my thing. Maybe someday I will finally get on the Tat wagon. I usually won't seeek out new things though I am interested. I'd rather get what I know I already like. Unless a new release is limited or htf I usually pass knowing down the road they will be there when I want to try them. As for now I think I will buy this here Viaje Skull & Bones.
  • jimmyv723jimmyv723 Posts: 1,858 ✭✭✭
    I like Viaje. Hard to find but I can find them. I want to love Tatuaje and Liga Privada but I just don't know what is what and can never find them. Regular LP used to be $7 to $8 a stick here and now is $18 and up which IMO is ridiculous and not worth it. I love all Viaje. I have never had a bad one and I want more. I know it will be a good cigar. I do want to try new things as long as it is not from Rocky Patel or General Cigar with the exception of anything LGC. I want to hunt down a stick of every Tat Monster original and Little Monsters. I even planned on buying Pudgy Monsters but bam here comes a new Viaje. There are a bunch of cigars I do enjoy with regular production and good prices but Viaje is my thing. Maybe someday I will finally get on the Tat wagon. I usually won't seeek out new things though I am interested. I'd rather get what I know I already like. Unless a new release is limited or htf I usually pass knowing down the road they will be there when I want to try them. As for now I think I will buy this here Viaje Skull & Bones.

    Being away for a couple years I can totally relate to being overwhelmed by all the new sticks. Before I moved back to NY I went to a Tat event at the local B&M (really miss having one real close and not having to pay obscene tobacco taxes btw) and got a custom sampler and the owner gave me a smoking deal. Still confusing though because they do have tons of stuff and a lot of them look similar too. The Black is probably my favorite though and never had any of the Monster stuff.

    Have only had the Undercrown by LP and really want to try the other stuff but like you said they're tough to find and pretty expensive too. Heard good things about the Papas Fritas and may end up trying them at some point. Did have someone a couple years ago who was going to send me a few different LP sticks to try for helping them out with something but that never happened so figured I'll get to them at some point. Just enjoying getting back into the mix and stocking up the Wineador with stuff I know I like for now and then see what the future holds.
    Ken Light 3K MOW Badge - 8/14
    2015 Gang War - East Coast
    Enola Gay - Target #29
  • Poopy_JonesPoopy_Jones Posts: 455 ✭✭✭
    For myself I'm not at that point yet Daniel. I love trying new sticks/new releases. I don't mind having a stick that is "meh" as you say because I found my current faves that way. There's going to be a few that just don't do it for you. If you feel that you want to lay back on new stuff then do what makes you happy. As far as being blown away by a new release, I did like the La Antiguidad very much but it wasn't earth shattering. I did get a box to age until November or so because I feel they needed a little time. Not every new release is going to be a home run
  • 0patience0patience Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I will buy the one or two sticks of new releases that are reasonably priced.
    I only buy boxes or 10 packs of those cigars I know I like.
    Or possibly will hit a 5 or 10 pack of new releases that are on a deal.
    I do miss out on some "limited" releases, but I'm fine with that.
    I don't get too concerned about not being able to get certain cigars, as there are plenty other really good cigars available in good supply.

    But what it amounts to is doing what makes you feel comfortable.
    In Fumo Pax
    Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.

    Wylaff said:
    Atmospheric pressure and crap.
  • rzamanrzaman Posts: 2,650 ✭✭✭
    I am exactly at the point where you are now almost a year. The truth is there are not that many varieties of tobaccos that manufacturers can offer new taste. I am tired of marketing jab and ended up with 5-10 brands both CC and Non-CC. In fact, I only buy and smoke cigars from those company who manufacture cigars from the seeds to a cigar. I do not believe in boutique cigar makers. My point is who doesn't have tobacco plantation they cannot make good cigars except very very few exceptions. This is how cigars also became overpriced.

    Latley I am very careful what I buy and you can see them in "what did you get today" section. I smoke 60% custom made cigars and 40% commercial brands. Once you get familiar with cigar industry you can see what is going on in the industry. It is sickening sometime. This is how Nicaragua is struggling to age tobaccos. However, manufacturer like Padron never joined this trend- as a result, they always produce consistent and good quality cigars buy still lot of them are overpriced. The reason they do not release new line every year because it is not easy to come up with a complete new taste. At least they are honest so I do not mind if they charge me little extra.

    Same is going on with the Cuban cigar industry. Every year new exclusive releases without new value. I also limited myself to CC. It is sad what is going on. Public buy marketing jab that's why the trend will continue. However, I have no problem what others do but I will remain selective with few brands.

    Two new brands blew my mind- DPG 10th Anniversary and Joya de Nicaragua Cuarto Cinco. I ended up buying boxes and boxes because they are phenomenal smoke and get released once in a blue moon. The other cigar did not blew my mind but I really enjoy are - Paul Stulac Midnight Fire, AJ's Mayimbe. AJ is changing his strategy and planed to released more and more limited once time releases to maintain the quality. I hope to see Pepin to follow the same trend soon. Lately, I do not buy new Davidoff because they all taste the same and they release couple new lines every year. I like Davidoff buy stick with few I really smoked before and careful when I buy a new one with knowing from the insider that they are all about expansion.
    Lately I've only been smoking cigar brands that I enjoy, give or take 4-5 brands, not including CCs. Every now and then I'll fire up a random cigar like a new release that I've never had just to try it out. Half the time I say to myself "meh, why did I even bother" It's just not worth the time and money anymore to experiment on a cigar that I may or may not like . I'm at the point where I think I'll just smoke what I know I'll like.

    Here are my Q's;
    Anyone else at that point yet?
    Is there a new realease that totally blew your mind? Not just "it was pretty good" or "this one is worth giving a try".
  • EchambersEchambers Posts: 4,184 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have a few that I always turn to like the Hemingway short story, and a few special occasional cigars like the Ashton heritage, but beyond that I'd rather try new things when I have the chance. Same way with whiskey. I love knob hill and bulleit and rarely done have one or both in the house but that won't stop me from trying a bunch of other stuff. For me it about mood. Do I want adventure or comfort?
    -- "There's something that doesn't make sense. Let's go poke it with a stick."
  • Amos_UmwhatAmos_Umwhat Posts: 9,127 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I may be odd, but I find very few sticks that I truly don't like and feel like I've wasted my time smoking. I find some every now and then that I won't go out of my way to look for, but one of the things I enjoy about this hobby is all the new stuff that keeps popping up because then I'm never out of options.
    This is pretty much me, but, I also don't want to waste $ on things I don't like. That's what I like about the COTM, new stuff at low risk to the wallet. That being said, when it comes time to buy any quantity, I'm usually sticking with what I know I'll like. I'll go out on a limb only if I've seen a lot of enthusiasm from you guys about something I haven't had.
    WARNING:  The above post may contain thoughts or ideas known to the State of Caliphornia to cause seething rage, confusion, distemper, nausea, perspiration, sphincter release, or cranial implosion to persons who implicitly trust only one news source, or find themselves at either the left or right political extreme.  Proceed at your own risk.  

    "If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed.  If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." --  Mark Twain
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Lately I've only been smoking cigar brands that I enjoy, give or take 4-5 brands, not including CCs. Every now and then I'll fire up a random cigar like a new release that I've never had just to try it out. Half the time I say to myself "meh, why did I even bother" It's just not worth the time and money anymore to experiment on a cigar that I may or may not like . I'm at the point where I think I'll just smoke what I know I'll like.

    Here are my Q's;
    Anyone else at that point yet?
    Is there a new realease that totally blew your mind? Not just "it was pretty good" or "this one is worth giving a try".
    ive been at this point for a while. i only buy cigars that i know i like. for new stuff i do trades, get bombed.

    sometimes i begin to feel that im too picky. then i remember that this is a luxury product that i am spending my money on. it better be something i enjoy.
  • danielzreyesdanielzreyes Posts: 8,771 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Lately I've only been smoking cigar brands that I enjoy, give or take 4-5 brands, not including CCs. Every now and then I'll fire up a random cigar like a new release that I've never had just to try it out. Half the time I say to myself "meh, why did I even bother" It's just not worth the time and money anymore to experiment on a cigar that I may or may not like . I'm at the point where I think I'll just smoke what I know I'll like.

    Here are my Q's;
    Anyone else at that point yet?
    Is there a new realease that totally blew your mind? Not just "it was pretty good" or "this one is worth giving a try".

    sometimes i begin to feel that im too picky. then i remember that this is a luxury product that i am spending my money on. it better be something i enjoy.
    "It's plume, bro. Nothing to worry about. Got any Opus?" The suppose to be DZR
  • AshMeAshMe Posts: 318
    Can't say I'm at that point yet. I'm still having fun with this. For me, I like the hobby of tasting different sticks and rating them. I keep a rating sheet for each stick and put it in my 3-ring binder with the cigar band taped to it. Maybe the day will come when I will settle down with the perfect lady.
    "Do you smoke? Mind if I do?"  - Genie, in Aladdin. 
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