Home Brewed

So I have been flirting with the idea of trying to brew my own beer when I get home from Afghanistan. I am not very well informed on the whole process but it sounds like it might be fun. I am just wondering if any of you guys have tried it or know anyone who has. How did it turn out? How much of a pain in the @$$ was it? Is it worth it just to have a brew that is all my own?
Is there a company like Ccom that wants to make a beer for the troops to send to us over here? That would make me unbelievably happy!!!
I remember coming home after being gone 14 months - with no booze. It was amazing when we flew through Ireland. I had a Guinness. It was wonderful.
seems to be lots of good info. they even split it up for the people that are like "i want to start now!" vs. those that "want to understand the whole process".
Anybody else have any experience with brewing?
I'm making my first batch this weekend, I'll keep this thread updated with how it goes. Lucky for me, I already had a large metal pot.