Home Trades, Passes and Bombs

One of those bombs...

RainRain Posts: 8,958 ✭✭✭
...that really means a lot. Don't get me wrong, they ALL mean a lot...but...yeah. You know how it is, you're having a rough day/week/month and you get that package that brings a smile to your face. As some of you know, recently my computer went down. I love my family. A great wife who is a great mom and two kids that sometimes, just sometimes, act like humans. But after them...my computer. I'm Randy, and I'm a nerd (Hiiiiii Randy!). Take my car, take my house....just not my Intel Core i7 2600K. Anyways, what does a Padiwan do when he's in need of help? He calls his Jedi daddy. So I contacted honorknight, and out of the kindness of his heart he fielded about 73 PMs from me about my computer and just WTF is a PCIe slot? He also agreed to ship me a part to test said PCIe slot. But that's not all he sent. I'm going to say "Thank You!" now, because most people won't make it past the pictures. Steve, when words won't do....bro hug. imageimageimageimageimageimageimageOh, and the whole freaking point of the package..image


  • honorknight7honorknight7 Posts: 523
    Ahh good, I did put the label on the right box :P
    Now lest hope that card works in the expansion slots so you wont need a new MB, save that mula for an SSD :)
  • RainRain Posts: 8,958 ✭✭✭
    Ahh good, I did put the label on the right box :P
    Now lest hope that card works in the expansion slots so you wont need a new MB, save that mula for an SSD :)
    I put this in your ups thread. They just brought back my gpu return. The box is beat up, I look at the online tracking number and it says "San Antonio - Will be delivered to seller on Tuesday." WTF?! I might be golden...because I have the merchandise and the receipt >:)
  • Darktower007Darktower007 Posts: 2,580 ✭✭✭✭
    Man what a bomb!!!
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Posts: 15,659 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nicely done Steve--- now we will have a Jaeg minded Randy on our hands ! Thanks!!
  • RainRain Posts: 8,958 ✭✭✭
    Nicely done Steve--- now we will have a Jaeg minded Randy on our hands ! Thanks!!
    I'm a medic, and I approve this message.
  • 0patience0patience Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That shirt is cool as hell.
    Nicely done.
    In Fumo Pax
    Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.

    Wylaff said:
    Atmospheric pressure and crap.
  • jsnakejsnake Posts: 5,979 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Man this was super cool. Love it when guys do stuff like this. Makes me feel all good inside. I want to group hug you guys.
  • jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The man, HonorKnight 7, has left me in awe. Not only took the time to paint two humidors, he stuffed enough stuff inside them for two more.
  • Puff_DougiePuff_Dougie Posts: 4,599 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well played, Steve. Well played.
    "When I have found intense pain relieved, a weary brain soothed, and calm, refreshing sleep obtained by a cigar, I have felt grateful to God, and have blessed His name." - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Posts: 2,652 ✭✭✭✭
    Well played, Steve. Well played.

    Outstanding job
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