Obama and his cronies are at it again...

I can't believe the feds actually reversed this ruling, let alone even interfered with something on such a local level. Absolutely rediculous, not to mention how insulting it is to the intelligence of the voting public in the area referred to...
Justice Dept: Blacks MUST Have Democrat Label To Know How To Vote
Justice Dept: Blacks MUST Have Democrat Label To Know How To Vote
I think I'm detecting some sarcasm... Haha
Vulchor, you often give critical comments of the political right with very little explanation or evidence supporting your side. you refuse to look at any evidence when it IS presented to you especially if you feel it is from a "biased" news source.
....yet you call yourself open minded.
the fact of the matter is, there are facts on both sides. FOX news does lean to the conservative side, but they do present facts that are true. there are news sources that lean left (MSNBC for example) that also produce facts.
i dont know too much of this story, but to be quite honest, it doesnt matter because im sick of you hate mongering and bashing anything that isnt liberal in scope. just because you dont agree with it does not make it "illogical" or "wrong"
it makes it different.
as a liberal you should understand that people have different points of view and live differently than yourself.
quit being so intolerant.
Justice concludes black voters need Democratic Party
im sorry if you feel that i have too much time on my hands. It just so happens that i enjoy reading political banter as a hobby. if you have a hobby in any way shape or form does that also mean that you have too much time on your hands?
are you telling me to butt out of public conversations on a forum? if you dont want me involved in your conversation, please keep it in PMs or on a forum that i am not on. otherwise, expect anyone to chime in at any point.
even if they are not involved
you have also done the same thing on other threads. I dont complain that you join in. i just challenge you to prove me wrong.
(you never have.)
...but you do make excuses that you dont have time to
or that i have too much time on my hands.
or claim that all my sources are biased.
feel free to talk of how i have too much time on my hands, or that i am an idiot for taking the political stance i have taken, or using the references that i use, or typing long winded responses to others posts.
i am going to continue to read much as i can in an attempt to further my hobby of political/economic awareness.
Although I do not agree with the reasons that the Justice Department gave for rejecting the vote, according to the 1965 Voting Rights Act, they are acting completely within their rights to resend the vote. Therein, any changes to voting laws must be approved by the Justice Department.
I believe this goes back to the thread "Is America a Democracy?" If it were, then the popular vote would be upheld and there is nothing the Justice Department could do. However, since we are a republic and governed by law, not majority, the law is on the side of the Justice Department.
I would also say that REGULATION, not deregulation, is a large part of why our auto industry has been failing for so long. Our Federal government (and my incredibly incompetent State government) has been taxing and regulating the ever-living-crap out of the auto-industry since before I was born. When our government forces the auto industry to meet higher and higher fuel economy standards, that is regulation. If the auto industry was allowed to decide for themselves (or rather the Market would essentially tell them what consumers want) that would be deregulation. Course you will NEVER see that in our lifetime. Big Business rarely ever deals with deregulation - our Federal and State governments have far too much of their filthy paws in ALL business.
You'll notice I didn't mention the Left or the Right. Or Dems/Republicans. I have pretty much lost faith in all of them. So have many on the Right. In general, you could say the Left wants more regulation/control, but the Right isn't much better.
On the banking debate - I saw first hand how the govt can cause mortgages to fail ...As a mortgage loan officer I packaged a mortgage and sent in to underwriting even though it failed all bank guidelines because to put it bluntly we were told if the customer is black send it anyway ( I dont mean for this to offend anyone and I'm not being racist just telling what happened) They turned it down flat and my supervisor called and wanted to know why I even sent it in !!! I advised him this was a black couple. He says " ohh - ok I'll get back to you" Long story short in a few days it was approved !!! Customer could nor afford it and was behind alot while I still worked there. Now tell me regulation has nothing to do with mortgage failures !!! Saw it , was involved in it , know it ...I'm just sayin'...this is not an opinion or point of view... it is fact ...period !!!
Take a look for yourself if you don't believe me... Look at all the new government laws that have been enforced just on the housing market and show me how this is a case of de-regulation failing...