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cigar.com is NOT CC (It's ccom) Get it right.

Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,067 ✭✭✭✭✭
cigar.com is NOT CC (It's ccom) Get it right,.............. Or else.


  • jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bob Luken:
    cigar.com is NOT CC (It's ccom) Get it right,.............. Or else.

    Sorry...it is the only time I did that.


    Please forgive me.
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,067 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You are pardoned. LOL
    I've noticed here lately that a bunch of guys were doing this and I couldn't help myself. It wouldn't matter except CC means something else and well,........ somebody had to SAY sumpthin'!
  • jlmartajlmarta Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bob Luken:
    cigar.com is NOT CC (It's ccom) Get it right,.............. Or else.

    Actually, it's CCom. Get it right...... LMAO
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,067 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bob Luken:
    cigar.com is NOT CC (It's ccom) Get it right,.............. Or else.

    Actually, it's CCom. Get it right...... LMAO
    I think you're full of *** just like me and I got NO problem with that. I will even admit CCom is correct and ccom is incorrect but, only if I can see some sort of rationale for it to be so. Even if it's bull ***. Gimme a reason for believing the bull ***.
  • jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Actually its Cigar.com, so there.
  • honorknight7honorknight7 Posts: 523
    Wouldn't it be C.com ? Cigar.com - Cigar (.) com = C.com Hmmm Hmmm Hmmm
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,067 ✭✭✭✭✭
    OK with me. As long as it's not cc or c.c. or C.C. or CC see?
  • bandyt09bandyt09 Posts: 4,335 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well if CC isn't C.com and c.com isn't cc then could it be NC.com? On NC.com or Nc.com you can use your CC for NC but you can't get CC from NC.com even with a CC so I think it would be natural to call it NC/c.com. This is my 2 cents since C.com or c.com sold me too many NC and charged my CC so all I have left is cents.
  • AshMeAshMe Posts: 318
    I never used cc to indicated ccom because i know that cc really means isomc
    "Do you smoke? Mind if I do?"  - Genie, in Aladdin. 
  • jlmartajlmarta Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bob Luken:
    Bob Luken:
    cigar.com is NOT CC (It's ccom) Get it right,.............. Or else.

    Actually, it's CCom. Get it right...... LMAO
    I think you're full of *** just like me and I got NO problem with that. I will even admit CCom is correct and ccom is incorrect but, only if I can see some sort of rationale for it to be so. Even if it's bull ***. Gimme a reason for believing the bull ***.

    Whoa! Easy there, big fella. Settle down. I'se just yankin' your chain a bit. Hee hee. (Aside - feisty ole hoss, ain't he?). Lol
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,067 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bob Luken:
    Bob Luken:
    cigar.com is NOT CC (It's ccom) Get it right,.............. Or else.

    Actually, it's CCom. Get it right...... LMAO
    I think you're full of *** just like me and I got NO problem with that. I will even admit CCom is correct and ccom is incorrect but, only if I can see some sort of rationale for it to be so. Even if it's bull ***. Gimme a reason for believing the bull ***.

    Whoa! Easy there, big fella. Settle down. I'se just yankin' your chain a bit. Hee hee. (Aside - feisty ole hoss, ain't he?). Lol
    Whoa yerself. Yankin' my chain? I thought I was yankin' your's. Oops this conversation got um,..... gettin' weird.
  • jlmartajlmarta Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bob Luken:
    Bob Luken:
    Bob Luken:
    cigar.com is NOT CC (It's ccom) Get it right,.............. Or else.

    Actually, it's CCom. Get it right...... LMAO
    I think you're full of *** just like me and I got NO problem with that. I will even admit CCom is correct and ccom is incorrect but, only if I can see some sort of rationale for it to be so. Even if it's bull ***. Gimme a reason for believing the bull ***.

    Whoa! Easy there, big fella. Settle down. I'se just yankin' your chain a bit. Hee hee. (Aside - feisty ole hoss, ain't he?). Lol
    Whoa yerself. Yankin' my chain? I thought I was yankin' your's. Oops this conversation got um,..... gettin' weird.

    BWAHAHAHA!! Okay, I give up. You win.... ??
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,067 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bob Luken:
    Bob Luken:
    Bob Luken:
    cigar.com is NOT CC (It's ccom) Get it right,.............. Or else.

    Actually, it's CCom. Get it right...... LMAO
    I think you're full of *** just like me and I got NO problem with that. I will even admit CCom is correct and ccom is incorrect but, only if I can see some sort of rationale for it to be so. Even if it's bull ***. Gimme a reason for believing the bull ***.

    Whoa! Easy there, big fella. Settle down. I'se just yankin' your chain a bit. Hee hee. (Aside - feisty ole hoss, ain't he?). Lol
    Whoa yerself. Yankin' my chain? I thought I was yankin' your's. Oops this conversation got um,..... gettin' weird.

    BWAHAHAHA!! Okay, I give up. You win.... ??
    Ha! No no, YOU win! :P
  • New_BootsNew_Boots Posts: 2,651 ✭✭
    Actually its HTTP://www.cigar.com
  • Retircs1Retircs1 Posts: 453
    Hi Cigar.com " A forum for cigar lovers. I probably will get my AERSSS kicked anyway lol
  • jlmartajlmarta Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    New Boots:

    All together, now! (in a military voice) One at a time.... Piiick Nits!! LMAO
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,067 ✭✭✭✭✭
    New Boots:

    All together, now! (in a military voice) One at a time.... Piiick Nits!! LMAO
    OohRah! I'm not one to describe the subtle nuances of flavors but nitpickin' the terminology is right up my alley ;)
  • New_BootsNew_Boots Posts: 2,651 ✭✭
    Bob Luken:
    New Boots:

    All together, now! (in a military voice) One at a time.... Piiick Nits!! LMAO
    OohRah! I'm not one to describe the subtle nuances of flavors but nitpickin' the terminology is right up my alley ;)
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