Lighter recommendation

Hey all, I am looking for a solid torch lighter. The one I have now is a xikar impress that I got free with a box of cigars. It has not been the most reliable. I would like something with an ez flame adjustment. So what lighters have you guys had luck with.
Personally, I favor the XIKAR Trezo and EXII, but have also been using the XIKAR Allume and Colibri Stealth 3. Another great option is the JetLine Super Torch, which I've heard great things from some friends on. Between all of those, you should find yourself with some great options.
My favorite cigar list here
1. Big flame adjustment wheel. No more stripping of the adjustment slot with a coin or screwdriver. Very practical.
2. Works on a very low flame, saving fuel. Other lighters wont ignite on a very low flame setting.
3. Has a little filament inside that glows bright, letting me know the torch is on when I'm outside. Butane flames are usually invisible outside.
4. No misfires! I'm using Colibri butane.
5. Single flame! Good for precision lighting and doesn't marshmallow the foot of the cigar when toasting.
The one pictured here is a Vertigo. ~$15 at my local B&M. It is the best, most reliable lighter I have used. I've bought from the $4 ronson up to a $50 Vortex (or some name like that) quad flame. Plus, an additional 10 lighters in between those prices.
This has a huge, viewable tank. Easy to fill. 3 torches. A cap on a chain. and a handle folds out to adjust the flame. This one has always worked for me. Period. I've had to play with all my others except a cheap one from a sister site. But that gave out after a year.
Xikar Pipeline, Crossover and Allure. Got the Allure for about $10 a few years ago because wanted a soft flame.
Been wanting to get one of the Xikar EX lighters for a while now. Want to get either the Liga Privada one or the Room 101 one with Skulls on it.
2015 Gang War - East Coast
Enola Gay - Target #29
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.