Is he serious? Freezing your cigars?

Ok, so I get the newsletter from and the topic this week is "Beware the Cigar Beetle" and he says this, "The easiest way to prevent this from happening is to make sure your humidor is in a cool, dry place. Another option is to freeze your cigars for a few days, then let them thaw slowly, putting them your humidor. This will kill all the eggs before they can hatch."
Is he serious about this? Would anyone even recommend this? I ask because I don't have air and in the summer keeping the temp low is imposable.
"Long ashes my friends."
If your humi is sitting where you can't keep the temps. down during the summer there have been various methods to acheive this. Try putting a large solid block of ice in a cooler and then place your humi(s) in there. The ice will keep the temps down to an acceptable temp. and the cooler will keep the ice from melting for a few days at a time.
<BR<Most reputable cigar makers have their tobacco fumigated for beetles before it gets shipped out in the first place.
I recently bought some sticks from CI, but I rarely buy any that aren't from CCom, so I'm busting out an old desktop 35 count just for these as a precaution. Maybe I'm being over protective, maybe not.
Thats my understanding as well - that if you have cigars from a major mfg you have cigars that have been frozen !!!
I haven't noticed any difference in taste AT ALL. It's not like frozen vs. fresh food. Unless you have the means to control the temp. of your humidor I don't see why you would take the risk of beetles hatching next summer.
Am I doing the right things?
i have heard of people going the other direction with temp to kill the beetles. an oven at 170 for 5 minutes... or crazier still: microwave. (not recommended )