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Late night/early morning phone calls.....

jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
....are they ever good? I was so angry and so ready to do something that involved blood letting that I started to get up from my desk and get ready to go. Then Sophie, the dog that lives under my desk, nuzzled me and wanted to be petted. How many times have one of our dogs had an immediate affect on me, how many times has my blood pressure returned to normal in the blink of an eye? I went back to bed and let the police sort it out. Then River and Molly jumped into bed with me and I went right to sleep, Molly curled up at my stomach and River with his head across my arm. They got bacon in the morning.


  • jlmartajlmarta Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    And how many times has the caller been some drunk who mis-dialed but doesn't believe he did or, worse, some drunk who doesn't speak English?? I'd like to reach through the phone line and grab the mf'er by the throat but, alas, not possible...... I empathize with ya, JD.....
  • i know the feeling more times then not my late night calls involve me needing to go back to the ship because something broke or someone screwed up.
  • perkinkeperkinke Posts: 1,572 ✭✭✭
    As bad, people who know you're waiting on bad news but call very early or very late about something stupid. Close friend of mine was in the final days of his life (only 25) from a really aggressive cancer and we were just waiting out the final hours (he was across the country and I'd already made the last visit I could a couple weeks before), my parents knew this yet my mother decides she needs to call me at 5:30 in the morning (people generally don't talk to me before 7, for their own safety) to ask me if I'd thought about whether I'd be going down to their house the following month for my nieces' birthdays. I paused and asked if she was seriously asking me that and asked if that was the real reason she called, which it was. After a profanity laced tirade about why that was an incredibly stupid and insensitive thing to do to me, her response is "well, what does any of that matter? I need an answer."
  • First_WarriorFirst_Warrior Posts: 3,534 ✭✭✭✭✭
    When you answer the phone and the caller says " who is this" my standard answer is " I don't know I can't see you" They usually hang up.
  • ^ that is awesome
  • pelirrojopelirrojo Posts: 1,757 ✭✭✭
    Cool story bro. I could have sworn there were some threads around here for things like this. Things I hate/love maybe?
  • RainRain Posts: 8,958 ✭✭✭
    Cool story bro. I could have sworn there were some threads around here for things like this. Things I hate/love maybe?
    Meh...that's a stretch. He's in the right forum. If you've got some free time, keep an eye out for the next noob that posts something like "Morning Cigars?" ;)
  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Posts: 2,652 ✭✭✭✭
    A lady I work with got an early morning wrong number from a stranger. He whispered "Is it safe to come over, your husband gone?", she whispered "yeah c'mon over now, hurry."
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