Climate change website...check it out
Thought that this would add a little to the debate. Check it out. Comments?
Thought that this would add a little to the debate. Check it out. Comments?
Average Temperature of CA in January 2009: 47.6 degrees.
The easy answer is that we are more then capable but, too many people feel somewhat like yourself and that is what is preventing us from doing anything. Which for a lot of people in the non climate change theory camp, that is a victory in itself. Just my opinion.
As we are foot dragging waiting for 100% proof (which is what I have seen advocated here) other countries on other continents are doing just that.
Should business not pay their fair share of the pollution and the resulting green house gasses that they create? Are we the little guy going to pick up the bill for yet another mess which is created by decisons which we also had no say in.
I don't understand the position that business should be allowed to carry on unfettered entirely. Do you really still believe that even after the current financial mess, that the people who run these huge corporations are to be trusted. AGAIN!?!?!
It is these people who are paying for the "science" which calls into question the majority findings of credible scientist' from around the world.
How do these scientist'(the green house gas believers) play into the government taxation orgy that you guys seem to say is what is really behind all these claims? Are these scientist then, really in the back pockets of government, even while they seem to be at odds with them over what measures should be taken to correct the situation? Can you explain that to me, I don't get it?
be sure to read the info box
The Sun has cycles as well, heating and cooling, and I'm pretty sure no humans live there to cause it. As a matter of fact, the Sun - which by the way 1,299,400 times the volume of the Earth - just might be what causes climate change here. I mean am I be stoopid for thinking that a giant ball of super-heated nuclear reacting gas that could fit almost 1,300,000 Earths in it might have more to do with climate change than what us paltry little piss-ant humans are capable of on our best day??
There are also plenty of links that say just the opposite, but as more and more scientists hop off the "Algore global warming" bandwagon; I just have to go with science. The science says we are not causing it.
Edit - I included a wikipedia entry becaused it is heavily referenced.
This goes far greater than warming temperatures. It effects climate change as a whole. Areas that are usually warmer in the winter are getting colder, and areas that usually colder are getting warmer. Now things aren't out of hand yet, but isn't that good? Basing whether something is bad or not ONLY on the worst things happening is not very smart. Around the world things have been happening that normally do not in the areas they are happening. Most scientists around the world agree that humans are influencing the globe in some way or another and it's not a good thing. Sure the climate will change by itself, history has proven it, but speeding up the process is not helping us. It's not really a debate anymore, it's scientific fact, though scientists said the world wasn't flat and though they were right, it took a long time for the general public to believe it. Science is usually above the normal ideas of the common folk, mainly because science doesn't always say or do the easy thing. Even if this whole thing is a wash, wouldn't it be better to not induce trillions of tons of nasty stuff in OUR AIR? That just makes sense, why use the same stuff that has caused so many disasters and is out-dated? How about all the millions and billion of gallons of oil that has spilled in our oceans? Get rid of this crap and move on. Taking money out of this whole realm of politics would fix most of the main issues. Also it probably is worth mentioning that most of the industrialized nations have began to come around to this, except china and the US, which is really sad, I like to think of the US as being the leader in the world and always on the for-front but sadly we have began to take a backstage.
So what, another British Lord, (hardly any kind of expert) has an extreme view on this subject. His views like a lot of right wing, upper class, priviledged society are full of scare mongering and lies.
Do you honestly believe that ANY president would sign away the sovereign rights of the US to a world government? C'mon, what kind of "proof" is this? It is an opinion, and not a very well thought out one, designed to scare people. Haven't you had enough of these tactics? They are transparent and sad.
It makes for some good reading and without giving away the ending... it does NOT poke holes in Al Gore's movie in its entirety, it question certain points of arguement made in the movie which were found to be unprovable or not in accordance with present scientific theory.
It should be pointed out that even after the lawsuit, the courts said the film could still be used in schools in Great Britain, with certain discussion points and areas of concern for the courts to be discussed in class prior to the film being shown.
There are lots of good comments here.
Yes but that isn't quite the same scenerio. The "Lord" in the video was saying these present day world governments were conspiring to take over all governments and have them replaced by one World government.
The @ssholes are so power hungry, does anybody really think they would voluntarily give up the power they so relish and give over control to some outside world body? It's laughable.
Now a corporate world leader is another thing entirely. If that were to ever happen... I would be what is today considered a Terrorist. I can't see myself taking orders from Colonel Sanders or Ronald McDonald, for some reason.