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I hope it isn't what I think. If it is this my first time. I found a cigar in one of my humis with a near perfectly round hole in the wrapper. Please tell me it's not tobacco beetles. If so, should I freeze all cigars in that humidor or what. A few pointers from ccom would help too. I got a pic but not sure how to post it. Thanks


  • Email me the pic...i will post it for you....send it to aquadgio1@aol.com....the BOTL's will diagnose the problem
  • Here is the picture: image
  • tyronect:
    I hope it isn't what I think. If it is this my first time. I found a cigar in one of my humis with a near perfectly round hole in the wrapper. Please tell me it's not tobacco beetles. If so, should I freeze all cigars in that humidor or what. A few pointers from ccom would help too. I got a pic but not sure how to post it. Thanks
    After close review if the picture...it definately looks like the cigar bettle has taken over your cigar
  • One2gofstOne2gofst Posts: 583
    Could be a beetle. I'd freeze that stick and inspect all the others/ If you see it on another, freeze them all.
  • HaysHays Posts: 2,337 ✭✭✭
    I hope it isn't what I think. If it is this my first time. I found a cigar in one of my humis with a near perfectly round hole in the wrapper. Please tell me it's not tobacco beetles. If so, should I freeze all cigars in that humidor or what. A few pointers from ccom would help too. I got a pic but not sure how to post it. Thanks
    After close review if the picture...it definately looks like the cigar bettle has taken over your cigar
    Agreed. Definitely take that stick out of your humi, and keep it away from the others. At this point, freezing would probably be a good idea, because if your humi had the right elements to cause beetles in one stick to hatch, it could cause the same in the other sticks.
    ¨The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea¨ - Isak Dinesen

    ¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
  • How are the conditions in your humidor? Hows the inside temp and humidity?
  • jsnakejsnake Posts: 5,979 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That picture scares me. I need to go check all mine now.
  • I had a problem last week with my humidity dropping to 60% last week but got it pulled back up and stable. The temp has been at 70. The humidor in question is where I keep my singles so I froze them all and wiped out the inside with a dry cloth real good. Do I need to do anything specific to the humi or will wiping it out be sufficient?
  • Good news, sort of anyway. It hit me around 6 this morning that cigar was in a travel humi for a while. I had taken it out the day before I noticed the hole so I figured it couldn't have happened in my home humi and I was right. After close inspection of the travel humi I found the remains of the little booger so I put the travel humi in the freezer along with the other cigars that were with it. I've never had real problems with my humis at home, nothing I couldn't fix quickly anyway, so I'm relieved that's not it. I have learned my lesson.
  • jsnakejsnake Posts: 5,979 ✭✭✭✭✭
    What temperatures are bad? I stay around 70 to 74 degrees in my house. 74 is not the norm but an occasional high. I get a pretty steady 70-72 degrees. I just wonder at what point is your temperature dangerous to your gars.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    If you start getting close to 80, then I'd start worrying.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • smbrinksmbrink Posts: 406
    Good news, sort of anyway. It hit me around 6 this morning that cigar was in a travel humi for a while. I had taken it out the day before I noticed the hole so I figured it couldn't have happened in my home humi and I was right. After close inspection of the travel humi I found the remains of the little booger so I put the travel humi in the freezer along with the other cigars that were with it. I've never had real problems with my humis at home, nothing I couldn't fix quickly anyway, so I'm relieved that's not it. I have learned my lesson.
    Wow,good thing that this was a small isolated incident. Im gonna go inspect my stash now.
  • YankeeManYankeeMan Posts: 2,654 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • chuck86chuck86 Posts: 18
    I friggin hate these kinds of posts, because I start getting paranoid and go into disaster mode. But I'm glad that it was an isolated incodent, and you didn't end up losing a bunch of your cigars.
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    I friggin hate these kinds of posts, because I start getting paranoid and go into disaster mode. But I'm glad that it was an isolated incodent, and you didn't end up losing a bunch of your cigars.
    I'm with you chuck... Whenever I see a picture like that I have to go check out the collection.
  • nsezellnsezell Posts: 294
    They need high humidity and temps of at least 72 to hatch, so humidity dropping shouldn't be a problem. I have a hot man cave during the summers, but I use 65% beads, so I haven't had a problem with them yet. You usually need it hotter than 72 to see them, but that's where they start.
  • JZJZ Posts: 827
    The higher temperatures hatch the beetles. I'm glad it was a travel humidor issue though. Anyone that is paranoid and losing sleep can mail me your sticks and start fresh! I'll dispose them :)
  • smbrinksmbrink Posts: 406
    this was the last post I read before going to sleep last night....yeah i had nightmares.
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