NBC anti-gun bias?

After much use of the terms "alleged murder suspect", and "suspected cop killer"
in their report this morning, NBC/Today (in the same brief report) refers to cop killer Eric Frein as simply a "gun enthusiast". WTF?
(@ about 1:40 in the video. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/eric-frein-was-dedicated-killing-cops-pennsylvania-police-n237916)
I have no doubt that Eric Frein is a gun enthusiast but, with all the pending charges, including first-degree murder, homicide of a law enforcement officer, attempted murder and possession of weapons of mass destruction, NBC went out of their way to purposefully label him as a "gun enthusiast"? They found booby trapped pipe bombs from this guy and NBC chose "gun enthusiast" over "bomber"? Really? So, does NBC see all "gun enthusiasts" as ultimately dangerous? Or does NBC wish to lead it's audience to associate this would-be mass-murdering bomber with all "gun enthusiasts"?
I'm a gun enthusiast. Do you think the folks at NBC see me as a "potential cop killer"? Maybe they do. Maybe I'm overreacting. What do you think?
(@ about 1:40 in the video. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/eric-frein-was-dedicated-killing-cops-pennsylvania-police-n237916)
I have no doubt that Eric Frein is a gun enthusiast but, with all the pending charges, including first-degree murder, homicide of a law enforcement officer, attempted murder and possession of weapons of mass destruction, NBC went out of their way to purposefully label him as a "gun enthusiast"? They found booby trapped pipe bombs from this guy and NBC chose "gun enthusiast" over "bomber"? Really? So, does NBC see all "gun enthusiasts" as ultimately dangerous? Or does NBC wish to lead it's audience to associate this would-be mass-murdering bomber with all "gun enthusiasts"?
I'm a gun enthusiast. Do you think the folks at NBC see me as a "potential cop killer"? Maybe they do. Maybe I'm overreacting. What do you think?
The major networks have for years edited, added, deleted and left whole story lines out of their "reporting" to promote a left wing slant and its nothing new. It has become so common place that most people have become immune to it and that is the real harm. I wish with all my heart and soul that all of them would learn to report the news and nothing but the news. msnbc and cnn are so guilty of obvious prejudice and slanting that they are now paying the price. msnbc has become a joke and cnn is constantly going lower in the ratings. people in this country are starting to wake up and one could only hope they stay awake and continue to get angry. I don't care what you believe, but if you are depending on the big "news" channels for the truth you ain't gettin it.
Count down.....
I don't know.....are they? I know they are certainly one of the most watched...........