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NBC anti-gun bias?

Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,055 ✭✭✭✭✭
After much use of the terms "alleged murder suspect", and "suspected cop killer" in their report this morning, NBC/Today (in the same brief report) refers to cop killer Eric Frein as simply a "gun enthusiast". WTF?

(@ about 1:40 in the video. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/eric-frein-was-dedicated-killing-cops-pennsylvania-police-n237916)

I have no doubt that Eric Frein is a gun enthusiast but, with all the pending charges, including first-degree murder, homicide of a law enforcement officer, attempted murder and possession of weapons of mass destruction, NBC went out of their way to purposefully label him as a "gun enthusiast"? They found booby trapped pipe bombs from this guy and NBC chose "gun enthusiast" over "bomber"? Really? So, does NBC see all "gun enthusiasts" as ultimately dangerous? Or does NBC wish to lead it's audience to associate this would-be mass-murdering bomber with all "gun enthusiasts"?

I'm a gun enthusiast. Do you think the folks at NBC see me as a "potential cop killer"? Maybe they do. Maybe I'm overreacting. What do you think?


  • jadeltjadelt Posts: 763 ✭✭
  • D_FreshD_Fresh Posts: 610 ✭✭✭
    Bob Luken:
    After much use of the terms "alleged murder suspect", and "suspected cop killer" in their report this morning, NBC/Today (in the same brief report) refers to cop killer Eric Frein as simply a "gun enthusiast". WTF?

    (@ about 1:40 in the video. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/eric-frein-was-dedicated-killing-cops-pennsylvania-police-n237916)

    I have no doubt that Eric Frein is a gun enthusiast but, with all the pending charges, including first-degree murder, homicide of a law enforcement officer, attempted murder and possession of weapons of mass destruction, NBC went out of their way to purposefully label him as a "gun enthusiast"? They found booby trapped pipe bombs from this guy and NBC chose "gun enthusiast" over "bomber"? Really? So, does NBC see all "gun enthusiasts" as ultimately dangerous? Or does NBC wish to lead it's audience to associate this would-be mass-murdering bomber with all "gun enthusiasts"?

    I'm a gun enthusiast. Do you think the folks at NBC see me as a "potential cop killer"? Maybe they do. Maybe I'm overreacting. What do you think?
    You're definitely not overreacting but unfortunately I can't say I'm surprised. Obviously this guy had the potential to do much more harm with devices other than guns. It's unfair to label him as just a gun enthusiast as 99.9% of enthusiasts wouldn't do such a thing. I'd consider myself an enthusiast and would collect more if my cigar habit didn't get in the way. But the mainstream liberal media will probably run with this. It's a holes like this that give responsible, gun carrying members of society a bad name.
  • webmostwebmost Posts: 7,713 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Box cutter enthusiast:

    “It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)

  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,055 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I must make a confession. I only placed a question mark in the subject line to promote debate. I know damn well, NBC and MOST news organizations have this bias. I just saw it first hand again and I wanted to point it out.
  • jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bob Luken:
    I must make a confession. I only placed a question mark in the subject line to promote debate. I know damn well, NBC and MOST news organizations have this bias. I just saw it first hand again and I wanted to point it out.

    The major networks have for years edited, added, deleted and left whole story lines out of their "reporting" to promote a left wing slant and its nothing new. It has become so common place that most people have become immune to it and that is the real harm. I wish with all my heart and soul that all of them would learn to report the news and nothing but the news. msnbc and cnn are so guilty of obvious prejudice and slanting that they are now paying the price. msnbc has become a joke and cnn is constantly going lower in the ratings. people in this country are starting to wake up and one could only hope they stay awake and continue to get angry. I don't care what you believe, but if you are depending on the big "news" channels for the truth you ain't gettin it.

    Count down.....
  • SleevePlzSleevePlz Posts: 6,249 ✭✭✭✭
    if you are depending on the big "news" channels for the truth you ain't gettin it.
    Isn't Fox News the biggest one of them all.......
    LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
  • jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    if you are depending on the big "news" channels for the truth you ain't gettin it.
    Isn't Fox News the biggest one of them all.......

    I don't know.....are they? I know they are certainly one of the most watched...........
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,055 ✭✭✭✭✭
    if you are depending on the big "news" channels for the truth you ain't gettin it.
    Isn't Fox News the biggest one of them all.......
    Yep, Fox rules cable news by ratings. The reason Fox is thriving is the majority of journalists are liberals and Fox balances out that fact and challenges people and ideologies that are left of center whereas the majority of journalists seem to treat left of center people and ideals as the center. But, ultimately, I think it's a shame that all our media has become strongly flavored. You can plug into news that reflects your views and be entertained but, you have to shop around to hear the stories that your own flavored news editors don't care to present. I wish there were news agencies that were actually neutral. I don't think there are any these days. Maybe there never were.
  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Posts: 2,652 ✭✭✭✭
    Fox has some pretty balanced reporting compared to the other news channels. They lean right but have some lefties on the shows, although none have their own shows. O'Reilly always has a guest to counter his talking points, but he lives to debate. Makes for some lively debates though instead of just talking. Andrea Tantaros and Bob Beckel come to mind, she's deadly. Hmm, they don't call it Foxnews for nothing.
  • Lee.mcglynnLee.mcglynn Posts: 5,960 ✭✭✭✭
    Personally I'm not a gun enthusiast... I actually barely use the one I have and will probably get rid of it. But I do feel like most gun owners will be offended by the statement! For me I just want something I can hunt with and defend my home with. I might get a new bow or crossbow next year but I feel like having a gun at home now a days can be rather not the greatest idea unless you have a really good safe!
    Money can't buy taste
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