Who's is the true #1!!!!!

Now that history has been made, with all #1 seeds making it to the Final Four. Who will be #1? UCLA, Kansas, Memphis, or North Carolina.
Let's have a some fun.....how about a little contest.
You will need to choose the two teams playing in the championship game, the winner of that game, and the combined score of the two teams playing in the championship game. The winner will be the person choosing the National Champion (duhhh) whos combined score guess is the closest to the actual combined score without going over. Just in case we have multiple entries with the same combined score, the person with the earliest entry will win. Entries will be accepted until Thursday at midnight and only one entry per person.
To the "victor", a package will find it's way to your domicile.
After watching Memphis DEMOLISH the Spartans, I have to lean toward the Tigers. They looked like Men amongst boys out there. They are playing a team of Bruins on the prowl with only 3 losses on the year. So long as Joey Dorsey (might I remind you all of his 6'9", 265 lb stature) can stay out of foul trouble and Derrick Rose (freshman phenom) can put some buckets down, the Tigers should roll past the Bruins 83-69.
As for the other bracket, that proves a bit more troubling for me. First off, Kansas has only had one game this tournament where they score more than 80 points. In fact, there points-for have diminished as they have advanced. The Tar Heels, on the other hand, have handled their opponents with rather ease (I say this with SLIGHT reservation after Louisville came back to make a game out of their Elite 8 appearance). Albiet I can't stand Tyler Hansbrough (Psycho T), I have to say that the Tar Heals will head off the Jayhawks, 79-73.
On to the bet:
Memphis vs. UNC
Final Score:
Memphis 92
UNC 81
Best of luck to all!!!
With that being said, I am pulling for UCLA to beat Memphis and I believe Kansas will handle UNC.
The finals - UCLA vs. Kansas....UCLA wins 79-76.